The term “New World Order” didn’t originate with QAnon or conspiracy advocates. The idea of a shadow organization seeking to unite the whole world under a single, hierarchical control has been around for centuries. It’s as old as the Bavarian Illuminati of the late 18th Century, as recent as Freemasonry’s clandestine aims of world domination. Paranoid conjecture aside, only the uninformed would deny that shadowy political powers would, if they had the chance, push America toward godless globalism and eradicate all sovereign nations.
What this means for Christians is ominous. Understanding the purposes and practices of New World Order advocates is more than an exercise in political awareness. It is essential to the survival of the Church in a free society. Revelation 13 is coming alive before our eyes. It’s a small step from where we are now with masks and social distancing to banning access to commerce and livelihood if you belong to a cancel culture enemy. Just try wearing a MEGA hat in downtown Portland and see what happens. That’s not to say that Republicans are God’s party. The point is that those who hate what American has stood for have demonized certain social and moral positions and made it dangerous to life and limb to oppose what’s politically correct.
Yes, the New World Order is about that all-seeing eye on the dollar bill. This so-called “eye of Providence,” the supposed eye of God overseeing humanity, is Illuminati occultism in plain view. The Masons have used it since the 1790s to represent the “Grand Architect of the Universe” (Lucifer) as the supreme deity in Freemasonry is known. And, by the way, this same symbol of the New World Order can be seen on the Mormon Salt Lake City temple! (It’s also seen in “yantras,” Hindu visual equivalents of spoken mantras and is used in yoga.)
Think carefully how you vote on Nov. 3 and ask yourself whether, on a national and local level, whoever gets your vote stands for biblical values that protect the church against perversion, reveres sanctity of life, and upholds the preservation of Christian liberties. “One Nation Under God” and the New World Order are not compatible. YOUR VOTE MATTERS.