About DWJD

Bob Larson has been inspired with a vision from the Lord to fulfill the command of Luke 4:18 to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. Instead of asking, “What would Jesus do?” Bob has chosen to follow the command of Christ to “cast out demons” (Mark 16:17) and Do What Jesus Did® (DWJD). He has tirelessly labored to train scores of inner healing and deliverance prayer teams in most major United States cities and many foreign cities. Bob is driven to make certain no one is more than a day’s drive from receiving prayer for spiritual freedom. DWJD teams are comprised of dedicated Christians who unselfishly serve by bringing the hope of Christ to hurting and spiritually bound individuals. Many team members are graduates of Bob’s International School of Exorcism and his Advanced Academy of Deliverance. Those who would like to meet with a local DWJD prayer team can receive a referral by contacting the Spiritual Freedom Church offices listed on our web site.

Do you have a demon?

Taking the Demon Test® may be the most important spiritual decision you make. This Test is the result of more than 40 years of research and thousands of hours in personal ministry with troubled souls.