
Angel Numbers are Phony & Demonic


Following on the interest in so-called Angel Cards is a spin off fad call “angel numbers.” I got a pop-up on my computer last week from USA-TODAY, what used to be a reasonably respected national news magazine. The online version of USA-TODAY featured a promotion for angel numbers. The article declared, “Have repeating eights popped up on just about everything that has numbers, from clocks to prices on receipts? If this is the case, great successes could be on your way! In numerology, angel numbers, or repeating number sequences, can be used as guides for deeper spiritual exploration as each numeral has its own significance.”

Is there any truth to this? What are angel numbers? Let’s first look at the occult practice of angel cards. Angel cards are a form of divination to receive the message of supposedly angelic beings who are willing and ready to assist spiritual seekers. The angel cards are like tarot cards but focused specifically on connecting with angelic energies or higher spiritual beings, rather than the random and ambiguous symbolism found in tarot cards. So, here’s how angel cards generally work:

  1. Angel cards typically come in a deck and each card features an image of an angel.
  2. Individuals ask for guidance on a specific issue.
  3. Just like in a regular card game, cards are shuffled and drawn.
  4. Then the drawn card’s message is interpreted in the context of the user’s question.
  5. The message on the card is supposed to give guidance, which is usually in the mind of the seeker or card reader. It might suggest a course of action or be applied to some aspects of the user’s life, depending on who reads the card.

Angel numbers are based on occult numerology, believing that certain sequences of numbers carry special messages or guidance from spiritual beings. These numbers are thought to hold symbolic meaning beyond their numerical value. For example, you might frequently see numbers like 111, 222, 333. The sequential numbers might be the time on a clock, license plates, receipts etc. Each number sequence is supposed to have a specific meaning. Here are some commonly recognized angel numbers and their supposed interpretations: 111: New beginnings; 222: Harmony and balance; 333: Guidance from your angels; 444: Protection and presence of your angels; 555: Change is coming so get ready; 666: Often associated with the antichrist.

Consulting angel cards and angel numbers is witchcraft, the sin of divination which opens one’s life to demons. Often the advice of the card reader or number interpreter may lead a person deeper into the occult. These combinations of numbers mean nothing more than what any individual reads into them. Certain biblical numbers do have meaning, like the number 7 which stands for completion or perfection. Six is imperfection, such as 666 which indicates mankind’s rebellion. I deal daily with people who have explored angel cards and numbers. Most of these individuals started out innocently but are now demon possessed and tormented day and night. If you are interested in angel numbers, beware. First Peter 5:8 says the devil is seeking to devour you. If you practice any form of the occult, he’s got your number.

An Encouraging Word


Thanks be to God who gives us the victory! What a glorious declaration in 1 Corinthians 15:57. And that verse tells us how the victory is won: Through our Lord Jesus Christ. The world’s emphasis is on how YOU can have it all. YOU can win. YOU can succeed. YOU, YOU, YOU. Just watch those ads on TV telling you all that you deserve, and it’s usually what they are selling. But for the surrendered Christian, it’s all about wining through the victory that only the Lord can give. It is a good thing to be focused on being victorious. It’s even better when the triumph is credited to the One through whom all worthwhile winning is accomplished.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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