
#1 Reason People Have Demons


What is the #1 reason that people have demons? It isn’t what you think. It isn’t because they were involved in the occult. It isn’t even because of bloodline curses. That’s how you get demons. I’ve done lots of teaching on how people get demons in our School of Exorcism. But this time I want to emphasize why many have demons. The reason you may have demons because you’ve done nothing to get rid of them. It’s that simple.

The area of ministry called deliverance has many misconceptions, especially by those who are new to this calling from God. Some assume that if you’ve prayed to break generational, family curses that the demons attached to this past evil automatically leave. Not so. The power of a curse may be mitigated by declaring the curse canceled, but the demon attached to it often doesn’t spontaneously depart.

The same is true with a sin forgiven. The eternal consequence of a sin is removed by confession and God’s grace. It no longer holds sway eternally. But a curse is different. This form of evil isn’t about consolation, it’s about cancelation. First John 1:9 says (KJV), “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Case closed. The redemption of the cross removes our sins from us as “as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12 NKJV). But curses, and the evil spirits attached to them, are a matter of earthly, genetic and behavioral disposition. Thus, some people have demons because they haven’t confronted the generational evil operating through such iniquities.

The #1 reason people have evil spirits is because they’ve done nothing specific to exorcise their demons directly by confrontation and expulsion. Nowhere does Scripture suggest that demons leave because they are bored, intimidate, fatigued, or irritated. They leave because they are expelled. “In My name they will cast out demons,” Jesus said (Mark 16:17 NKJV). Demons go because they are made to go. They aren’t coaxed out by curse breaking. They aren’t removed by soothing prayers or prophetic pronouncements. Demons go when they are pressured to leave by insistent prayer and bold commands. In most cases they must speak, give up their rights, and declare their downfall.

To be clear, it is good to confess all your sins. It is wonderful to nullify ancestral evil. And it is awesome to receive inner healing. But none of this should ever be a substitute for interrogation, purgation, and the abdication of any evil spirits still hanging around because they weren’t confronted and cast out.

An Encouraging Word


“God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11). Not just once in a while. Not when the Lord gets beyond his mercy. EVERY DAY. There is never a moment when Jehovah doesn’t hate sin. Compare that to how some Christians live. Of course, they find sin distasteful most of the time. But some Christians will occasionally tell a dirty joke or watch an immoral movie. Some will poke fun at the unfortunate or spend their tithe money on personal pleasure. The list of evils that Christians may tolerate is long, but God hates it all. Remember that the next time you cheat, cut a corner, tell a white lie, or give in to lust. God hates the sin that you allow, all the time and every day.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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