
$150 billion can’t buy you love!


“Money can’t buy you love.” The Beatles knew it in 1964. Bill and Melinda Gates have discovered it in 2021. The couple, married 27 years, are splitting. They’re also going to somehow split their nearly $150 billion fortune. Bill Gates was once the world’s richest person but now plays second fiddle to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. Apparently, there’s no pre-nuptial agreement and they’ve promised to leave each of their three children ONLY $10 million each. Their philanthropy is a $50 billion foundation, the World’s biggest. That’s a lot of divorce lawyers’ legal fees.

Anyone could see this coming. Gates has been acting strangely for the last couple of years as he became the world’s climate change emperor. Yes, Gates and his billions have done some good for the world’s poor, but they still managed to live in a 66,000 sq. ft., $125 million mansion. And that’s just one of five mega-mega homes. This erstwhile ecowarrior has been busy telling the rest of the world how to live carbon free, yet he has a fleet of more than a half dozen private aircraft at his disposal—plus a collection of helicopters. He has suggested that the western world might have to give up eating beef, while he went on a buying spree to become the largest private landholder of agricultural land in the world.

Still not convinced that Bill needs deliverance.  Consider a special arrangement that Bill made when he married Melinda. Every year he would be allowed to vacation at the beach with an ex-girlfriend. Oddly, Melinda agreed to the arrangement. (I guess the rich really are different.) Wait, there’s more. Melinda was raised and educated as a Catholic. Bill consented to raise their children that way; however, Gates defines his religion as trying to “reduce the inequity in the world. That’s kind of a religious belief.” If that sounds a wacky, try this Gates’ quote: “It makes sense to believe in God, but exactly what decisions in your life you make differently because of it, I don’t know.” Bill, ever heard of the Ten Commandments? It’s a belief system that specifically defines moral decisions.

Last year during the height of the COVID pandemic, Gates mused that the Catholic religion might have to be outlawed altogether until every congregant could be certified to have received the vaccine! Sounds to me like a man who needs deliverance. In Luke 12:15 Jesus said, “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things He possesses.” My message to Bill Gates is this: Your spiritual beliefs need a system upgrade, and you can download it now from John 3:16. Just agree to the terms and click on “accept” Jesus as Lord and Savior!

An Encouraging Word


Their throat is an open grave!” That is vivid language. It’s how David in Psalm 9:5 described his enemies. Ever smelled a dead human body? I have, and it is the most putrid smell on earth. Have you noticed how rescue workers during a tragedy with fatalities often cover their mouths and noses? Some enemies, like those of David have demonic influence in their lives. We need to recognize when those who oppose us are sent by Satan and the stench of death is in their words and ways. There is a time in cases like this, when we need to spiritually cover our faces and resist these “messengers from Satan.”

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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