Let me tell you the three best ways to get rid of demons. First, we must assume that the diagnosis regarding demonization is accurate. To get rid of demons presumes that there are indwelling evil spirits that need evicted. Determining that requires objective evidence, not someone’s prophetic word or personal assumption. If possible, the activity of demons needs to be confirmed by verbal identification by a person other than the host.
There may also be some supernatural confirmations. These might include odd facial expressions, the demonstration of supernatural strength, or physical symptoms for which there is no medical explanation. Also, mental health issues need to be eliminated as a cause for the designated demonic behavior. Once the demon’s presence has been confirmed, then the victim/host can decide which course of immediate action is most advisable. If you are such an individual, consider these options for deliverance.
#1 – FORCE THE DEMON OUT: This is sometimes referred to as “self-deliverance.” It’s a good place to start but likely won’t be successful if your case is egregious. Self-rebuking and binding of demons can be effective, but stronger demons won’t usually leave by this method. As a practical matter, they will take over the consciousness of the host, possibly trancing them. That can be dangerous. Also, if the demonization involves dissociate identity disorder (multiple personalities), it is impossible in a practical way to properly access one’s own internal alter-ego states without external help. The mind of the host can’t effectively dialogue with his or her own compartmentalized aspect of dissociated consciousness. A trained third party is needed to navigate this mental terrain.
#2 – STARVE THE DEMONS OUT: Minor, weak demons will leave with this approach. Fasting, prayer, scripture memory, Christian fellowship, and reading classic Christian literature will help. Your goal is to irritate and frustrate lesser minions. But beware. Even though evil spirits may not like this opposition, it generally won’t make powerful demons leave voluntarily. There is benefit in diminishing the internal structure of the demonic system by spiritual discipline. Even though you may not starve out spirits like Lucifer or Leviathan, for example, any attempt by spiritual discipline to weaken Satan’s kingdom is beneficial.
#3 – CAST THE DEMONS OUT: This is the only sure way to get the job done. And it isn’t something you can do on your own. It requires another individual to enforce God’s judgment on the devil. This is the biblical model. Never once did Jesus tell people to drive out their own demons. Those commissioned by His authority to remove demons were sent personally by Him, the two, the twelve, the 70. And in the Great Commission Jesus instructed all believers to engage this mission. Just as the gospel needs human hands and feet to spread the Word, it is the same with deliverance. That means your search for freedom from demonic attack must begin with finding someone who believes in the power of Christ to deliver and knows how to put that truth into practice.
In summary, it’s a good idea to try to force out demons by self-deliverance or starve them out by more fully surrendering to Christ. But it’s likely that, unless you have what we call a “minor possession,” you’re going to need a deliverance minister, an exorcist, to enforce God’s will by casting out the evil spirits.