
4 Ways to Get Ready for Deliverance


If you are interested in seeking deliverance, how do you prepare yourself? Simply put, the best way to get free from Satan is to make the devil weary and unwelcome. Demons sometimes say to me, “I can’t stand it here in this person. I’m ready to go. Get me out of here”. These are not common demonic comments, and such claims can be a trick. But in cases where the supplicant has truly gotten themselves ready for deliverance, this can also be an admission of the devil’s defeat. In short, before the deliverance prayers start, make the devil weary and unwelcome.

There are four ways to get ready for deliverance.

#1 Education

  • Watch my YouTube channel, read my books, enroll in our School of Exorcism. Educate yourself about credible approaches to deliverance.
  • Do some research and go to someone with a credible reputation. Don’t let just anyone pray over you. Does the deliverance minister have published books or a statement of faith? How much trustworthy experience do they have? Are they connected with an organization or church that has sound theology?

#2 Preparation

  • Get your DNA profile done. This can be a clue to what kind of demons you may have. Many companies offering this service. Explore your ancestry by talking to older family members. Do a family tree of what your parents, grandparents, and great grandparent know about the spiritual legacy (or lack thereof) of all extended family members.
  • Put your spiritual affairs in order. If you have addictions, get clean and sober. If you have broken relationships, put them in order. Review your life regarding prayer and Bible reading. Up your spiritual game to be at peak performance to fight the devil.

#3 Expectation

  • Prov. 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” If you are depressed, get some counseling to identify the cause. Come to the deliverance session with expectation, not hesitation.
  • In Matthew 17:21 Jesus said that certain demons would not leave “except with fasting and prayer.” Do some research on a fasting that best fits you and your scheduled deliverance.

#4 Determination

  • Drive, fly, connect by computer—don’t wait for your freedom. Take action to schedule a deliverance session in person or virtually. Putting it off will only further entrench the demons. If you can’t travel on short notice, contact us for a virtual, online deliverance session. If I can’t personally get to you quickly, we have highly trained Associate Ministers standing by to intervene. Don’t prolong your spiritual agony anymore.
  • Attitude is everything. It is your battle. The Lord wants you to be free. I want you to be free. But you need to want to be free so that you’ll do what’s necessary to get the right kind of help. Spiritual freedom is a triangulation between you (wanting deliverance), the one ministering deliverance, and God. Don’t be the weak point in that relationship.

We are waiting for your phone call or email. Just go to boblarson.org and click on NEED HELP. Through your education, preparation, expectation, and determination you can GET FREE, STAY FREE, AND LIVE FREE!

An Encouraging Word


Perhaps, like me, you get a little tired of angry people blaming God for all that goes on in the world. False religions and corrupt regimes lead to poverty and starvation, yet many ask why God lets it happen. Suffering and injustice are also blamed on God, as if He deliberately stands back and does nothing. Free will and sin are ignored in favor of pushing all the responsibility on the Almighty. Isaiah reminds us that “the Lord longs to be gracious to you . . . for the Lord is a God of justice” (Isaiah 30:18). Things would be different if some spent less time accusing God and more time reading His Word.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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