
5 Ways to Stop Demonic Attacks


Every day my phone rings and my emails fill-up with people who believe the devil is attacking them. They are desperate. They talk about things crawling inside their bodies, constricting their spine and neck. Putting pressure on their heads. Even scratching them. Poking or pricking their skin. Some describe spiritual rapes and spiritual spouse experiences. Torment, torment, torment.

A few such individuals have some mental health issues. But not many. Most are genuinely under attack by evil spirits. Their stories are so similar and their life histories so typical that they must be taken seriously. We arrange for help, an in-person or virtual appointment with me or an associate minister, or a referral to one of our ministry teams. We understand the signs are of demonic oppression and outright possession.

The first thing we tell them is that Satan can’t do this these extraordinary things unless he has the right. We’re determined to find out what that right is. If demons have attacked by crossing over a line from the supernatural world into the natural world, they can’t do that easily. There must be an open door and we’re determined to find it. Before we can help you, here are some basic things you can do to lessen demonic attacks.

  1. Fast and pray (Matthew 17:21). If you don’t know how to fast with proper attention to health and spiritual welfare, google it. There are excellent ministries that focus on this discipline and can get you started. Couple your fasting with significant time in God’s word. Memorize some basic scriptural promises. Start educating yourself about spiritual warfare. Get our books and start reading them. Check out other great teachers and revivalist on YouTube who are zealous about deliverance and build your faith.  
  2. Immediately stop every addiction. I have people come to me for help who admit they are still smoking weed. One young man admitted he used marijuana on his way to meet with me. On another occasion, during a virtual Zoom encounter, a woman took one last inhale on her vape and blew the smoke in my face (virtually) as we connected on the internet. Do you think these people got the spiritual results they wanted?
  3. Do your best to find someone who can agree in prayer with you as a stopgap measure. That individual may not know much about deliverance. They may not know anything. But if they will be a prayer partner to stand with you in prayer as a preparation for ministry, that will help to push back against the devil.
  4. Let nothing stand in your way of getting help. Get a new computer or borrow one so that a virtual session with me can be most successful. Or use your cell phone. Drive or fly to our offices. An in-person ministry session has the potential for greater success. Don’t let anything get in your way. Just yesterday a young woman in her 20s drove 500 miles one way to meet with me. Our deliverance session was focused, to the point, and undistracted. Even though she had spent years in drug addiction, and a few months ago tried to kill herself with a fentanyl overdose, her demons had been weakened by her determination to see me. Within minutes her demons were gone because they were weakened by her resolve to get help. She walked into our offices depressed and fearful. Less than an hour later, she walked out smiling, rejoicing, and ready to get on with a new life in Christ. Whether it is me or one of our ministry associates who helps you, we know your time is valuable. Make the best of it by doing what you need to get the right kind of help.
  5. Clean up your life in every area. You don’t need an exorcist or deliverance minister to start your journey to freedom. Do your own work first. Forgive those who have wronged you. Throw out any New Age or occult books and paraphernalia. Cut off all unhealthy spiritual and sexual soul-ties. When we meet, let’s get on with the mission to get you free in Jesus. Don’t make me have to tell you to stop sleeping with your boyfriend or smoking dope with your friends. Before we start the deliverance process, stop the yoga yourself. Clean up your Facebook and Instagram account of questionable things. Turn off Game of Thrones and get into the Bible. Get ready for your miracle of freedom.

There are many other ways to prepare for deliverance but start with these five and you’ll be on your way to get free, stay free, and live free. I hope to see you face-to-face on my computer or in my office, SOON!

An Encouraging Word


“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God” (Ephesians 4:30) That Bible verse has been used to justify all sorts of legalistic ideas, but we shouldn’t throw out this injunction just because it has been misapplied. It’s an important Bible principle. Without getting too specific about things which might only have a cultural context, think about your own life and how you might have grieved the Lord today: A harsh word to a loved one? A disregard for common decency with how you talked? A lustful thought that you failed to stop immediately? An angry reaction you let seethe inside? Grieving the Holy Spirit doesn’t make God love you less, but it will cause to you to feel less love for Him. Don’t grieve the Lord today.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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