
Christian Porn


Her name is Nadia Bolz-Weber, and she’s a Lutheran pastor. Her views are even more disconcerting than the pastoral pose from her Facebook page. Bolz-Weber is on a mission to legitimize what she calls “ethically-sourced porn” by removing “shame” from the industry which thrives on copulating, naked bodies of unmarried intimates. This woman-of-the-cloth does not believe that anyone who views pornography should feel ashamed. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America even invited her to speak to more than 30,000 Lutheran youth. Her web site boldly declares “Cast those purity rings into the fire!” She said that she wants to melt down the rings and use the gold for a vagina statue for women’s rights. Until recently, she pastored a church called House for All Sinners. She was recently replaced by a gay Episcopal pastor who is married to a drag queen and goes by the name “Fruit Bomb.” No, I’m not making this up. Bolz-Weber, a self-described “dyke” who, until recently was married to a man, is a “New York Times” best-selling author.  

Like or loath this pro-porn-pastor, she’s on to something. I did a quick check of the listings for the most popular web sites in America and discovered that 3 of the top 8 are adult porn dot-coms. Even Twitter and Wikipedia lag in popularity behind smut sites. Proven Men Ministries, a Christian group helping men with porn addictions, reports research that 2/3 of men in the U.S. admit to viewing porn at least once a month. Three out of ten aged 18-30 gawk daily. As the character Pogo in the old newspaper cartoon used to say, “We have met the enemy, and he is us!” 

My point isn’t to insist on shame for those Christians struggling with porn. They’re already shamed. I’ll not quote a list of Bible verses that warn of lust and extol purity. Most of my readers already know those passages. My point is to warn of a spiritually tectonic shift in the moral climate of America and a coming moral earthquake in the Christian church. As an exorcist, let me be blunt. Looking at porn destroys marriages, leads to perversions including child molestation and incest, and it fosters demonization. Looking at porn is not only truly shameful but also demonic. There is no way to Christianize porn and remove the mortification and self-hatred it breeds. The so-called pastor whose abominations I’ve already noted above is full of demons. And it’s not hard to know who’s the chief spirit. Only Jezebel would dare to call porn Christian and seek to remove its shame.

An encouraging word: GOD VINDICATES

We’ve all felt at one time or another that we were unjustly treated or misunderstood. But I am encouraged by David’s words in Psalm 17:2: May my vindication come from you [God], may your eyes see what is right. When you feel you’ve been harshly judged or wrongly accused, release your hurt to the Lord. He judges all things fairly by a divine standard. It is better to be vindicated by God than to be falsely praised by men.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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