
Marijuana Satanism

This past week, a New York Federal Court found “El Chapo” Guzman, drug lord of the infamous Sinaloa cartel, guilty on 10 counts and sentenced him to a lifetime behind bars. As Mexico’s most notorious drug smuggler, Guzman alluded capture and escaped from jails for years. Jurors heard shocking accounts of El Chapo personally murdering police and opponents. He shot and dismembered victims, burying one alive, burning others. He was even responsible for assassinating a Roman Catholic cardinal. For decades, Guzman and Sinaloa smuggled about $500 million a year in drugs into the U. S.: heroin, fentanyl, opioids, cocaine, and marijuana.
While the trial was wrapping up, I was ministering to a Mexican-American, a young man who struggled with drugs and demons. Powerful evil spirits manifested and boldly proclaimed their link to ancient Aztec ancestors who practiced human sacrifice. The demons violently insisted that they would not leave. When pressed for their legal right they declared, “We control him through the drugs, the marijuana, through the blood curses of the cartel – SINALOA!”
It’s well known that many drug kingpins such as “El Chapo” perform human sacrifices, offering their victims as a blood covenant for the devil to protect them. Some do it through the Mexican satanic death cult of Santa Muerte, who appears as a skeleton mocking the Virgin Mary. The activity of drugs cartels is linked by generational curses to the ancient Aztecs and their human sacrifice rituals. What’s scary is that various forms of Mexican satanism are coming to America with illegal immigrants and influencing many Hispanics.
As an exorcist, I’m concerned that much of the marijuana our young people use, even in states where weed is legal, has come via the southern border of the USA, courtesy of the Sinaloa cartel. These cartels are deliberately putting blood curses on the weed they distribute to get it past border police and to get the users hooked. If you smoke marijuana, you may be literally inhaling blood curses and demons, just like the young man I was exorcising. If you’re getting high with a little help from your friends, those “friends” may be evil spirits put in that marijuana by blood sacrifices, even human. Think of that the next time you light up.

An encouraging word: ANSWERED PRAYER

I often hear people complain that God doesn’t answer prayer. You’ve probably heard preachers say that He does answer, but it may be, “Yes,” or “No,” or “Wait.” Psalm 34:4 has another take on this. David said, “I sought the Lord and he heard me.” David doesn’t define the exact answer he got, but he states something more important, that the Lord “delivered me from all my fears.” When you pray, that’s the answer you’re looking for, to be delivered from fear so you can walk in faith. When that happens, you will experience answered prayers.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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