
Psychedelic Insanity


As if there aren’t enough demonic forces unleashed on western civilization, some in government and academia are lobbying for the wholesale legalization of previously banned drugs, including “magic” mushrooms, psilocybin, LSD, ayahuasca, and other hallucinogens. We’re not talking about warmed-over, acid-head hippies. Advocates for tuning in and turning on include scientists and politicians. My former hometown of Denver Colorado reached a new Rocky Mountain high last month by decriminalizing shrooms. Oakland, California has done the same. Psilocybin is being touted as a cure for post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and even cancer. The drug lobby is pushing to get science on their side. Like they did with marijuana, they promote the supposed “medical” benefits as a cultural wedge to gain acceptance.   It may sound like a bad 60s trip, but advocates for psychedelic insanity are serious. Having bought the big lie that cannabis is harmless, pot-head politicians and greedy businessmen are now on a binge to push the boundaries on restricting any recreational drug. As no surprise, socialist democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently filed legislation that would allow researchers to study the therapeutic and medical benefits of psilocybin and other psychedelic drugs.   Every week I deal with several encounter clients who have been demonized by drugs. Getting high or tripping out is an almost guaranteed way to be invaded by evil spirits. Throughout history many pagan civilizations, from the ancient Aztec to pre-Christian Hindus have used mind-altering drugs to facilitate spirit possession. Having spiritually devastated pagan civilizations of the East, demons in these Last Days are focused full force on Western countries, especially America. Christians need to up their game on this issue. Being opposed to the recreational use of psychotropic drugs is as pro-life as protesting in front of Planned parenthood.  

A three-page article in the international news journal “The Economist” recently reported on the real reason behind psychedelic insanity by quoting from a research facility: “It may be that what you get from psychedelics is a crash course in the effects that you could get from a long-held meditation practice…the self-control and cognitive benefits from meditation couldn’t come from a crash course. But in terms of the enhanced sense of self, this may be a helicopter ride to the top of the mountain, while those on the meditation path are hiking up.” There you have it. The Eastern meditation goal of enlightenment, becoming aware of your own inner god-self won’t require staring your navel in a lotus position. You can have it all in one magic mushroom. Along with a truckload of demons.

An encouraging word: TRUST IN THE LORD

  ‘I trusted in thee, O Lord.” Simple but powerful words from Psalm 31:14. David isn’t declaring confidence in a feeling or emotion. His is a conscious, willful decision to put faith in God above all else. He is making a deliberate decision that acknowledges ALL our spiritual problems come from NOT trusting in the Lord. Most important is the “Thee.” I like that old English word. David’s trust wasn’t in an idea, a doctrine, a philosophy or a methodology. It was in the Thee of the eternal Godhead. In whom do you place your trust today?

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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