
How to Keep Your Demons


People are shocked when I say that half the people in good evangelical churches have demons. They are offended at such a suggestion. It makes them angry that I would dare make such a claim. But I stand by it, as preposterous as it sounds to some. As I’ve stated previously, only in North America is the teaching discredited that Christians may be demonized. The church in most parts of the world accepts the idea that demons can torment Christians, and that all believers need some measure of deliverance. Here are some wrong beliefs that allow demons to stay in Christians and torment them. Far too many Christians inadvertently keep their demons by believing these falsehoods. 

  • CHRISTIANS CAN’T HAVE DEMONS: The training in our International School of Exorcism (ISE) thoroughly debunks this argument from a biblical and practical standpoint. Many of our books, such as “Dealing with Demons,” do the same. Many downloadable videos in the “Online Resources” section of our web site teach on this matter in detail. No need to articulate here what is already available in print and on video. The point is this: If you believe a Christian can’t have demons, and you do have demons, it’s impossible to expel them. 
  • ALL CURSES WERE BROKEN AT THE CROSS: Demons often enter and maintain their stronghold through the curses of ancestors. If you don’t confront these demonic matters in your bloodline, your demons aren’t leaving. They will remain attached to unbroken curses. Again, ISE and our book “Curse Breaking” explain how to remove the influence of generational evil which may allow demons to attack Christians. 
  • DON’T ALLOW DEMONS TO SPEAK: Even some deliverance ministries propagate this false teaching. Jesus permitted demons to speak (Mark 1:24). He questioned them (Mark 5:9 & Luke 8:30). He set the example of what’s necessary in an exorcism. Interrogating demons can provide critical information about how they got there and what legal rights they claim. Forbidding demons to verbally communicate with the deliverance minister is another way of keeping your demons. 
  • I’LL GET RID OF MY OWN DEMONS: Some think they will fast and pray their demons away. That may work with minor demons not deeply entrenched, but powerful generational demons must be forced out. Cast out. I sometimes tell such an individual, “If you could have gotten rid of your demons, you would have.” The biblical model of the Great Commission is for followers to cast out demons from others in the name of Jesus. The Bible gives many examples of demons being exorcised, but no instances of self-deliverance. It’s possible, but rare and potentially dangerous.

Of course, you don’t want to keep your demons, but believing one or more of these falsehoods will keep you in bondage. Take our Demon Test (click here) and discover the probability of whether you might have demons. We can help. Contact us today. Schedule a personal one-on-one encounter or let us connect you with one of our many local Do What Jesus Did ® prayer teams. Don’t keep your demons. Be set free in the name of Jesus of all the evil inside, and discover the complete freedom offered by Christ. 

An Encouraging Word


And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons. (Mark 16:17 NIV). These words are inclusive of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus said this immediately after his command to go into all the world with the Gospel. Why is this so hard for churches in America to understand? Most of the rest of the Church world doesn’t ignore this edict. Spiritual warfare is normal beyond the shores of the USA. From my perspective the devil has done a number on Christians in North America. We’re good at sending missionaries to other lands to deal with the demons there, but we ignore the war for souls being waged under our own noses. This must change. I’m doing all I can to change it. So should you!

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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