
Prophetic Word: When Quarantine Will End


I have a prophetic word from the Lord. I use those words carefully. These days there is far too much indiscriminate usage of the word “prophetic.” It is often an adjective to describe nothing more than an inspirational utterance, often a restating of what Scripture has already declared. Occasionally, it is no more insightful than what any well-informed person would already know from cable news and various web sites. But what’s also prophetic is more than statements of prediction but also words of compulsion, powerful insights, and the urgent stating of a biblical mandate. Prophetic words may reference God’s dealings with humanity in the past, projected into the future. That’s where my prophetic word from the Lord comes in.

Throughout the Old Testament, God used plagues, natural disasters, and atmospheric phenomena to bring judgment and turn people back to Himself. In 2 Chronicles 7:13 the Lord declares that he can withhold rain (Australia’s recent drought and devastating wildfires?), send swarms of locusts (Billions of locusts are currently ravaging East Africa.), and send pestilence among my people (Coronavirus.). It may be argued that this was the way an Old Testament God dealt specifically with the nation of Israel. But Romans 11:19-24 clearly states that Christians of the New Covenant are grafted into the vine of God by faith in Christ the Messiah.  

Whatever date the government sets for the ending of a physical quarantine, COVID-19 is God’s warning of judgment on America for departing from our Judeo-Christian foundation. Deuteronomy 28:21 declares that rebellion against God brings a “clinging plague.” Even now we’re being warned that after the worst passes there may be additional waves of coronavirus—it will cling to us!  America may eventually get back to work, but until we get back to God, we’ll not end the spiritual quarantine of COVID-19. That’s my prophetic word.*

*Next week, more specific information about this prophetic word from God concerning the continuing effect of COVID-19 even after social distancing has been lifted.  

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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