
George Floyd Demonic Riots


There has never been a time like this in America. First, COVID-19. Record unemployment, 100,000 deaths, and churches closed coast to coast. Now the riots. Something is happening that is political, economic, social, and spiritual. The devil wants to destroy America. We’re not a perfect county. But no nation has offered more freedoms, economic advantage, and opportunity. Most important, for more than a century, America has been the Christian capital of the world. We send the most missionaries. We print the most Bibles. We have the most churches preaching the gospel. In America, more people confess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ than anywhere on earth. We have our flaws as a nation and a church but consider this. This old ship of Zion, as the church has been called, may be a leaky boat, but it is still the best thing afloat anywhere on earth.

That’s why Satan has taken advantage of the George Floyd situation to foment social unrest that can lead to a takeover by the socialist and communists in our midst. That’s not a political statement, it’s a spiritual evaluation. America’s economic, legal, political, and social structure has brought forth the greatest expansion of the Christian message in history, through religious media, music, publishing, and church growth. Satan must stop that. Communists hate that. Socialist won’t tolerate it. If you don’t believe me, cite a single nation on earth past or present where the church has flourished under a socialist or communistic government. And make no mistake, the George Floyd tragedy is being exploited by godless, demonically motivated forces who care nothing about racism. Any injustice against blacks is a tool to be exploited by white elitists who want to destroy America and Christianity.

One more thought. When it comes to embracing deliverance, the black church in America, and African-Americans in general, are far more open to the message of spiritual warfare. In some ways, the hope for America’s spiritual future lies with the black community. They are ones who understand spiritual oppression more than any other group. They know that slavery was demonic. Some African Americans may indeed be troubled about white racism and rogue cops who act contrary to their civic duty. These blacks may wish to express that opinion in forceful ways. But snatching a Gucci bag from a broken store window is about lawlessness, not racial oppression. These riots are demonic. They are spiritual preparation for the man called “man of lawlessness” in Second Thessalonians 2:3. The Antichrist. May justice be done for George Floyd. And may all Americans, of all colors, rise as one nation under God to cast out the demons behind injustice and hate that comes from Hell. 

An Encouraging Word


“Do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil,” says 1 Peter 2:16 (NIV). The King James Version says “cloke of maliciousness.” Those words from 2,000 years ago ring true again today. Any sin can be justified with enough clever rhetoric and deception. Name any evil and someone will excuse it with crude justification or lofty logic. But anytime spiritual disobedience is rationalized, it’s a “cover-up.” Those who put forth disingenuous reasoning for committing sin will eventually be caught in their scheme. No amount of word-twisting or intellectual justification can avoid God’s judgment. He knows the truth and the intents of our heart when we attempt to cover up bad behavior.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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