She was just hours old when her own teenage father, Logan Anderson, age 16, laid her in the snow of Albany, Wisconsin and put two bullets through her head. The infant’s mother was also a 16-year-old who delivered the baby in a bathtub. Anderson murdered the child because he said that he and his girlfriend couldn’t look after her. He is now charged with intentional homicide and will spend the rest of his life in jail. The slain infant’s mother will spend her days living in an emotional hell, unless someone brings her the hope of Christ and the ministry of deliverance.
How could this happen? What were they thinking? As gruesome as this crime seems, it is not unlike what goes on each day in abortion clinics. The number of babies murdered by legalized abortion is, on average, more than two times the number of daily COVID deaths. To date, around 400,000 COVID deaths are estimated. Nearly twice that many lives were terminated by legalized abortion during that same time-period. The infanticide by Logan Anderson was horrible, but it was no more callous than a suction and curettage abortion where the unborn child is chopped into pieces and violently evacuated. And abortion isn’t the only killer stalking our land. More people die from suicide each year than COVID. Unfortunately, self-murder isn’t something you can avoid by masking-up or social distancing.
The horrible tragedy of this killing might not have happened if these two kids had been raised with Christian ethics regarding relationships, sex, and the biblical value of life. In addition, it’s likely that the bloodlines of both families were filled with ancient curses of sexual sin and murder. In a way, this innocent infant was a child sacrifice to the demon god Moloch, murdered on the altar of expediency. You and I must do more than ever to stop such slaughter in our Land by engaging the forces of darkness in spiritual combat! Enroll in our School of Exorcism today (to enroll click here) and fight back against Satan so another baby will never die in the cold snow of a Wisconsin winter.