
Fast-Track Deliverance


The ministry of exorcism and deliverance has an ambivalent past. As documented in our International School of Exorcism (ISE), it was biblical in the time of Christ, prevalent in the apostolic age, and common in the early Church. Today, it’s a neglected and often ignored component of Christian life. Those who believe in deliverance for Christians are often marginalized, ridiculed, and even persecuted. I know. Been there, done that for decades. But today I sense a shift in attitudes. COVID was part of that. People weren’t attending churches where pastors occasionally railed against the idea of Christians having demons. They were seeking spiritual help on the internet and finding people like me with more than 30 million overall YouTube views. They witnessed demons indisputably being cast out on our Exorcism Channel, and the channels of other deliverance advocates. One of our recent posts on Tik Tok went viral overnight and in less than a month has 15 million views! To quote Bob Dylan, the times they are a-changing.

As result of this surge of interest in deliverance, those of us who emphasize the need of liberation after salvation face a new challenge: meeting the need of so many people who are now seeking prayer for freedom from demonic attack. Many of them want deliverance and they want it NOW! They realize that they’ve been spiritually short-changed for years, and they hunger to be free, YESTERDAY. But these seekers must realize that true deliverance is a process. In most cases, demonic oppression comes in layers and, like an onion, has to be gradually stripped back. But if you are seeking freedom from the torment of the devil, I have good news. There are ways to fast-track your deliverance.

  • Fast first. Jesus said in Matthew 17:21, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” ISE gives a much fuller explanation of this.
  • Do your homework. Read as many of our books as possible, especially “Curse Breaking” and “Jezebel.” Get all the resources listed on our web site, as funds allow.  
  • Be wary of deliverance ministers. I know many who got worse after deliverance prayers by certain so-called apostles and prophets. Check the track record of anyone who prays for you including their longevity, published literature, posted teachings, and theological persuasions.
  • Be willing to “sow a seed.” Bless the ministry that God uses to encourage your process of being freed from demons. Remember 2 Cor. 9:6: “He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
  • Make a serious commitment. I have often observed that those who commit the most and sacrifice the most get the most. Remember the Syrophoenician woman of Matthew 15 with a demon possessed daughter. She had traveled a considerable distance and was relentless in her pursuit of deliverance for her child.

I’ve said many times that exorcism and deliverance isn’t rocket science. It is a spiritual art requiring devotion, dedication, patience, and determination. Don’t focus on the length of time to get fully free. Start the process now. Contact me for an in-person or virtual encounter today. We also have associate ministers ready to help. And our Do What Jesus Did prayer teams in scores of cities are back in action to meet your need. But if you really want to accelerate the process of getting free and getting on with life, fast-track your deliverance by the tips I’ve given. Take action today to GET FREE, STAY FREE, AND LIVE FREE!

An Encouraging Word


There’s a lot of anger against God in our society today. But that’s not new. “Why do the heathen rage?” David asked in Psalm 2:1. In response to the impotent anger of men who would defy The Almighty One, Psalm 2:4 says, “The One enthroned in heaven laughs: the Lord scoffs at them.” I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to get my dander up when I hear people blaspheme God. And I should be angry at such demonic arrogance. But there is also a time to laugh at the pathetic puniness of humans who dare to indict the King of Kings for any presumed wrong. The next time you’re tempted to hit back when men strike out against Christ, remember how foolish it is and have a chuckle.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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