
#1 Way to Get a Demon


Let me state clearly. I don’t want you to get a demon. I’m not telling you the #1 way to get one so you will open your life to demonization. This is a warning about WHAT NOT TO DO to get a demon. By avoiding the easiest way, I pray that you’ll avoid EVERY WAY you might fall prey to an evil spirit.

The #1 way to get a demon is transactionally. A transaction is defined as buying or selling something, a business deal. In a broader sense it is an exchange or interaction between two parties. You walk in a store, pick out a product, go to the cashier, hand over your credit card, it is processed, and you walk away with your purchase. You have transacted a relationship between the seller and the buyer.

Spiritually speaking there is something called “transactional theology.” It can be quite complicated, but here are the issues. Transactional religion can be as simple as believing that the atonement of Christ on the cross was transactional. He offers something, salvation, and by faith when you trust in Him you receive that salvation. It is transacted; however, transactional theology can get messy and result in a slot-machine, legalistic view of God — you do something for God, and He does something for you.

The hyper view of transactional theology is found in the prosperity gospel, the idea that what you get from God is directly proportional to what you’ve given to Him. Seed faith, for example, isn’t a bad idea, but it can be perverted into a transactional view of blessings involving direct equivocation. By this I mean the concept that your spiritual and financial benefits of being a Christian are directly related to the quantity of your investment in God’s kingdom. That is usually calibrated by the size of a donation to a particular ministry. Give, for example, $1,000 to a certain internet or television evangelist, and you’ll receive your miracle from God proportionately. This kind of transaction is a form of spiritual abuse and is unbiblical.

My purpose is not to look at the many aspects of transactional theology regarding salvation, all the way from extreme free will to hyper-Calvinism. I want to warn you about transactional demonization — the #1 way to get a demon. This concept is like what’s known in spiritual warfare as a “legal right,” but transactional spiritual engagement is more exact and binding. It is a form of covenant with the devil.

During a recent virtual encounter, I confronted a demon who claimed the right to a man because he had gone to a psychic spell-caster and paid to curse someone who had offended him. I countered the demon by saying that the person was now a Christian and had consulted the medium in ignorance. The demon responded, “That psychic was my agent, and when this man paid for the spell, he colluded with sorcery. That gave me a transactional right to enter him. Until that is canceled, I can stay.”

That may be demonic logic, but the evil spirit was factually accurate. I led the individual in a prayer to renounce that transaction and place the sin of seeking a psychic under the blood of Christ. The demon was then expelled. But the warning stands. The easiest way to get a demon is to transactionally enter into an agreement with the devil through some evil action. Examples would be: Paying to have your tarot cards read or your horoscope cast; following a Hindu-based yoga instructor whom you paid to teach asanas to you; buying a New Age book like The Secret; paying for an abortion (a blood sacrifice transaction); practicing eastern meditation, especially as part of a cult to which you financially contributed. (That is a transactional agreement with mind control spirits.)

Deuteronomy chapter 28 is a good example of transactional spirituality. God lists His promises of obedience. Then, He warns of the curses coming from disobedience when a person transacts with the lies of the devil by spiritual rebellion. Schedule a virtual encounter with me so we can review your life to see where you have entered transactions with Satan. Uncovering transactional bondage sometimes requires the objective view of someone outside yourself to spot these things. A transactional, covenant agreement with demons may take a lot less than you think. It may be the easiest way to get a demon.

An Encouraging Word


You were bought at a price.” Paul’s words of 1 Corinthians 6:20 point to the Passion of Christ and all that he suffered on His way to the cross and His crucifixion on the cross. Most Christians know the account; sweating drops of blood in Gethsemane; the Via Dolorosa of suffering; the agony of Calvary. That was the price that He paid for what Christians so freely receive, and sometimes treat all too casually. So much church preaching today is about believing in the Lord to feel good and enjoy life. But have we traded an emphasis on the “abundant life” for the sake of ignoring the price by which the benefits of salvation were purchased?

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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