
Bring Your Bong to Yoga


Congress is making a big push, led by Senator Charles Schumer, to legalize marijuana nationally. Meanwhile, the toll of death and addiction in states which have legalized pot, is ignored. According to a report just released, car crashes in states which have legalized pot are up 6%. Colorado, a leader in this trend, saw an 18% increase.

The lead researcher for a newly published car-crash study, Charles Farmer, says, “The legalization of marijuana comes with a cost. It removes the stigma of marijuana use, leading to more intoxicated and less-attentive drivers with slower reaction times and a tendency to veer outside their lanes.”

Also in weed-legal states, emergency room visits due to psychosis among teens high on pot is skyrocketing. Yet 58% of the public is in favor of legalization. That number includes a lot of youth who want to get high and entrepreneurs who want to make fortunes selling weed – now a $30 billion business and projected to be almost $50 billion in 3 years.

In Canada, which decriminalized marijuana in 2018, a study shows that pot users were 22% more likely to end up in a hospital emergency room due to serious injury or breathing problems. And if you think the medicinal benefits are great, researchers at Oregon Health and Science University—in a state where pot use is legal—report that there is “very little scientifically valid proof that cannabis-related products relieve chronic pain.” Sadly, health care experts are dealing with children as young as nine who are struggling with weed addiction.

But here is the craziest result of the public’s infatuation with pot. Some yoga classes are adding new meaning to the idea of “higher” consciousness by combining yoga postures with pot smoking. I call this a “bring your bong to yoga” craze. Sone yoga groups call this practice “bend and blaze.” They advertise a “higher yoga experience,” and mean that literally. Other groups say that stoners doing downward dog are having expanded socialization while high. Some groups call their classes 420 yoga, 420 being slang for weed.

As any truthful yoga instructor knows, yoga and marijuana go back thousands of years in Hinduism. Weed, known in India as ganja, is believed to be a way of speaking with the Hindu gods, particularly the demon-deity Shiva. Those who watch our YouTube exorcism channel have seen me cast out many Shiva demons from weed users. Will the Christian proponents of so-called “holy yoga” now add marijuana for “holy high yoga?” If you bring your bong to yoga, you’re in danger of double trouble, demons from yoga postures and demons from marijuana intoxication.

An Encouraging Word


One of the saddest things in all the universe is to go through life without the hope of heaven. “If in THIS LIFE only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable,” is how Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 15:19 (KJV). Our hope is not in just what the Lord does for us now, but what He has prepared for all eternity. It is sad if people believe in God for only the here-and-now. It’s worse if they don’t believe in Him at all, either in this life or the next.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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