There is power when people pray together! Most readers of this blog have seen me cast out demons in-person or on YouTube. (CLICK HERE to subscribe and receive weekly notices of new exorcisms posted to our YouTube Exorcism channel.) If so, you’ve noticed times when demons are not responding forthwith to my demands. In such cases, I persist to exercise the authority available to every believer; but some evil spirits are so strong that they continue to resist. At that point, I often turn to the audience and lead then in a unison prayer: We the people of God agree, according to Matthew 18:19. Obey the man of God and the people of God. In most instances, that corporate power of prayer is enough to break down the demons’ resistance. For those not familiar with this passage, Jesus declared, “If two of you agree concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
spirits respond in obedience to such prayers to several reasons:
· God’s people are fulfilling a
command of Christ.
· Christians are agreeing with
the most influential force in the universe, God’s power.
· Such prayer is a consecrated,
dedicated, sanctified moment of grace.
· Those praying are jointly
drawing near to the purposes and plans of God.
· As in the Book of Acts, there
is one accord without dissimulation.
· Believers present a united
front with no place for demons to exploit
· The prior verse, Matthew
18:18, operates in conjunction by binding and loosing.
There were would less evil in our world, fewer openings for demonic spirits, and more spiritual freedom if Christians practiced the agreeing power of corporate prayer; if husbands and wives agreed for their families; if parents agreed with their children; if congregations agreed with their pastors; if the body politic agreed with godly leaders. The Body of Christ needs to rediscover the dunamis (Greek), the power to perform genuine miracles, working through the Holy Spirit to deliver to those in captive to Satan. That will happen we genuinely agree together in His name!
An encouraging word: THE ROD AND STAFF OF GOD
Psalm 23:4 is such a beloved passage that even many non-Christians can quote the words, “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” David was speaking the language of a shepherd, who used the rod and staff for both protection and guidance of the sheep. This is what David considers to be comforting. He envisions the Lord with a spiritual rod by which we receive the same comfort as that afforded helpless sheep. The rod and staff we have isn’t a sapling of wood formed with a crook. We have the Bible as our means of protection and guidance. Let God’s Word comfort you today as a shepherd would his sheep.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online