I have a dream that, in my lifetime, exorcism and inner healing will finally come out of the shadows of the evangelical church and receive mainstream acceptance. I realize this is a lot to hope for, but with God it’s possible. The current article about our ministry in “People” magazine (50 million readers!) is a huge step in that direction. If you haven’t seen the issue, it’s still on the stands in many cities. Check for the August 22 edition with Jon Benet on the cover. You can also get the “People” app and read the story on a mobile device.
When you get your copy of “People” you’ll find articles about gold-medal Olympians and Hollywood stars like Johnny Depp and the late Elvis Presley. But right in the middle of the magazine, you’ll see a two-page foldout photo of me, my oldest daughter Brynne, and her two friends-the three of them known as the All-American Exorcists. You can’t get more mainstream than that! There I am, holding my cross, and intently, looking straight ahead at millions and millions of eyeballs.
No longer can churches who oppose exorcism argue that deliverance is just an ancient ritual or unnecessary in our time. Critics of deliverance can’t hide behind poor biblical exegesis to disrespect those who cast out demons by Christ’s power. This fair, well-written story in “People” demonstrates the huge interest of the secular world in things regarding demons and the devil. The reporters, photographers, and videographers of “People” followed us for days, asking tough questions. They looked for facts to report this story. How sad that too many born-again Christians want to stay stuck in their religious prejudices.
Read the story. It speaks for itself. Go to the web site and watch the video documentary that “People” produced. (To view CLICK HERE.) Decide for yourself if casting out demons was just for the apostles or whether it is a viable ministry for our spiritually desperate times. The miracles of Christ are still available today. Deliverance and exorcism are going mainstream. To our evangelical citics I say, “You can’t kick us to the back of the bus anymore.” “People” has put us front and center, by God’s grace. This article is the Lord’s doing and He is making a point. Wake up church, Jesus still sets the captives free!
An encouraging word: JESUS STILL DOES MIRACLES
I heard a disturbing sermon Sunday. The preacher meant well, and the rest of what he said was great. His emphasis was evangelism. In the midst of his appeal to witness to the lost, he commented that the disciples weren’t truly born again until after the resurrection. You can guess his theological bent. He left out an important fact. The followers of Jesus were casting out demons before the crucifixion. Of course, the idea of exorcism is far beyond the theological consideration of this pastor. But the fact that the disciples performed miracles in the name of Jesus shows that they were abiding in him, pre-Resurrection and pre-Pentecost. If your pastor or church has left out the signs and wonders of Jesus, just read the Bible. What the preacher overlooked you can read for yourself.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.