
Funeral Strippers?


Ours is a death-denying age. We mourn briefly. Scatter ashes. Out are wakes and open caskets. We push the idea of dying as far out of sight as possible. But in China they’ve taken death and dying to a whole new level by inviting strippers, complete with pole dancing, to funerals. So few people in China bother to honor the dead these days that funeral parlors have taken to inviting strippers to entertain and draw a crowd. China’s Ministry of Culture wants to eliminate the practice, which is seen as a national embarrassment. The last straw was when a dancer in the city of Handan removed her bra with assembled family and children watching. The erotic show was for the farewell of an elderly gentleman, who was no longer alive to grimace or leer. Some strippers have performed with snakes, a sign of good fortune to some Chinese.

It should be obvious that this is an extension of Communist ideology. Even though the Peking regime may not like the funeral strippers, what’s to be expected when God is officially expunged from society by Marxism? While most Americans might not go that far, who is to say that some won’t? In Las Vegas a group of atheists, including magician Penn Jillette, have formed a United Church of Bacon, that’s right  bacon, and claim 4,000- members worldwide. In Tennessee a swinger’s club has opened next door to a Christian school, claiming they are a church. (Their S&M “dungeon” room has been relabeled a “choir room.”) In today’s climate of “emerging” church thinking, where evangelicals are encouraged to drink beer and go light on Hell and sin, the door is open for Satan to work overtime. More important, when deliverance is eschewed and the idea that Christians can have demons is mocked, evil has an open door. Too many churches in America have “stripped” the Gospel of its power over demons and the devil.

An encouraging word: THE HEAVENS SPEAK

In our age of militant atheism, we need to pause and ponder Psalm 19:3.Of the glory and wonders of heavens, David declared, “Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Creation is not silent. The sun, moon, and stars speak of His glory and wonder. Only a fool would deny what the eye beholds. All this could not have existed in its complexity by chance. And the God who made it all conveys His awe by the “things which are made” (Romans 1:20). Tonight, gaze upward and remember that He is not silent. The heavens speak loudly of his majesty.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did ® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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