Today’s my birthday. It’s time to reflect on a lot of things. I’m writing this before boarding a plane. You’ll read it as I’m halfway across the Atlantic en route to London, on my way to Africa for our mission there. On our birthdays, and ever day, each of us needs to reflect on this question: “Was I born Evil?” Is it possible to have the residual of iniquity in one’s genes without realizing it? Next week I’m doing a series on generational curses, but the question of whether an innocent child could be predisposed to evil because of ancestors is troubling to many people. Take it a step further and ask this question of yourself: “Was I born with demons?”
Consider this biblical example. In Matthew chapter 15 a pagan woman from Canaan came to Jesus claiming her daughter was possessed of a demon. Christ did not dispute the claim. He didn’t tell her that her daughter was delusional or bipolar. He validated the mother’s claim by His silence in not countering her assessment of what ailed her daughter. The child (We don’t know the age.) had demons, but how did the youngster become possessed?
Jesus tested the woman’s faith and then delivered her daughter. (“Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” Matt. 15:28) There is no suggestion that the woman’s daughter did any evil herself to invite in the demon, else the Lord would have instructed her to sin no more. Because of the idolatrous Syrian-Phoenician culture into which she was born, this child undoubtedly had demons from birth. If this conclusion sounds strange, consider that the early church in the first three centuries established the office of “Exorcist” and established specific prayers for “energumens” (the possessed catechumens) in preparation for their baptisms. Those churches who do not believe in generational curses, and the possible possession of infants, are simply not historical in their faith.
NOTE: This and other valuable information is more fully explained in Level 1 of the International School of Exorcism. To enroll now, CLICK HERE.
An encouraging word: ONE WAY TO GOD
Ephesians 4:5-6 is a classic statement of faith: “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.” There is no room here for “all paths lead to God.” No suggestion that sincerity will take anyone to the correct, eternal spiritual destination. Heaven isn’t simply a place where all “good” people go. One’s ticket to paradise isn’t by Islamic martyrdom or enlightened meditation leading to Nirvana. Paul was dogmatic about eternal verities. One, one, one, one. He says it four times. Don’t think that noble intentions will merit a happy afterlife. Your only way to peace with God forever is the one path of one Lord.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.