What I need to share with you is so important that we’re combining our usual “Blog” and “Ministry Update” into a single report about our Mission to Europe June 2-14.
I’ve been privileged to minister in more than 100 countries and 6 of the 7 continents. (I haven’t cast out demons yet in Antarctica, but who knows?) The last six years we’ve concentrated on Eastern Europe and Russia. Now we are called to the cradle of Christianity, Western Europe.
These cities have been strategically selected because . . .
LONDON: Financial capital of the world.
OSLO: Satanic Death Metal music capital of the world.
ANTWERP: Belgium has seen some of the worst terrorist attacks.
AMSTERDAM: Most powerful Freemason influence in all Europe.
DUBLIN: Historic religious city that is now more than 80% pagan.
These cities were once strongholds of Christianity. Today, Bible believers are vastly outnumbered by Muslims and followers of witchcraft and the occult. Only a dramatic demonstration of God’s power will change things. Casting out demons will make the difference. EUROPE MUST WITNESS GOD’S POWER!
We’ve planned this mission on short notice, with little funding, and lots of faith. With credit cards, we’ve temporarily secured the meeting places and booked flights and hotel. WE DON’T HAVE THE FUNDS to cover these expenses. And it’s just a matter of days before we’re there.
Meeting room rentals in Europe are 4-5 times the cost of America. Please, send $10,000. $5,000, $1,000, $500 or even $100. Any gift of ANY SIZE will help.
This is a step of faith. We need YOUR help. Thank you for responding TODAY.
Or you can always call 303-980-1511.
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