
New Year’s Greetings


In 1972, at the age of nine, she was pictured in a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, that some think was the beginning of the end of the Viet Nam war. With her arms outstretched and naked, she epitomized the horror of war especially the ugly effects of burning napalm that clung to the skin in a fiery fury. She was caught, as a child, in the wrong place in an ugly war, innocent and terrified. Over the years she had many surgeries for her burns and unimaginable pain. I read her story recently in a “Wall Street Journal” article. But as I read her account of pain and terror as a child, I was surprised half way through the report to learn that it was this tragic event that brought her to Jesus. The “Journal” isn’t known for extoling the virtues of Christian faith, but there on its pages was a clear witness of Jesus. In Kim’s own words, “The same bombs that caused so much pain and suffering also brought me to a place of great healing. Those bombs led me to Jesus Christ.”

If you’re looking for New Year’s inspiration, this is it, Romans 8:28 come to life: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. And I might add Romans 8:18: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

In 2018, I can assure you of several things. If the Lord doesn’t come, you and I will have tribulations of various kinds, some greater and some lesser.

Life won’t always come at us with a velvet glove. There will be some hard punches thrown our way. But the message of Kim Phuc, and the Word of God, is that Jesus will bring glory to himself through us if we allow it. My second guarantee for 2018 is that the devil won’t be giving up. Spiritual warfare will increase. War on the Saints will intensify. But God’s grace will be greater!

At year’s end, the airline I mostly fly from Phoenix, American Airlines, issued to their top travelers (Yes, I rack up enough miles to qualify.) a summary of their lives in the air. I’ve been so busy this past year going from city to city, airport to airport, I never thought about what it all meant. So, American’s computers gave me this information: 182 actual hours in the sky (not counting being in airports going and coming); 3 times around the world. And there were other airlines I flew in 2017 that added to that total. What American Airlines couldn’t calculate was how many people were saved and how many precious souls were freed from the torment of Satan. That number is incalculable, in the 10 nations to which we traveled, plus millions more via YouTube.

To do all that, God gave me the anointing and the energy, our partners and friends gave us the prayers and support. With your help, we’ll make 2018 an even greater year of setting the captives free! Have a blessed and spiritually prosperous new Year!

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An encouraging word: FORGIVENESS FOR SIN

In response to crime, some states have passed draconian “three strikes” or “four strikes” laws to get repeat criminals off the streets. It’s working, but our prisons are being filled with some whose lifetime sentence hardly fits the crime. In Louisiana a convict named Timothy Jackson is serving a life sentence for stealing a jacket. Problem was, it was his fourth burglary and now “he’s out,” incarcerated for good, a questionable act of justice. Thank God, spiritually speaking, there are no lifetime sentences without parole. Christ is always ready to forgive our transgressions. With Jesus there is no permanent detention if we repent. “The gift of God is eternal life,” we are promised in Romans 6:23, no matter what we’ve done.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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