
No Coexistence!


There it was, an illuminated display of the Christian cross, along with symbols of other religions: yin-yang for Taoism, Star of David for Judaism, peace symbol, crescent of Islam, science relativity, i for Buddhism. The only thing missing was the usual “coexist” conglomerate including a pentagram for Wicca (Witchcraft). My family and I were enjoying a drive-thru Christmas display that was quite spectacular. Brightly lit Christmas trees, prancing horses, snowmen, and other festive representations, all to the accompaniment of Christmas carols. But what to my wandering eye should appear – a huge COEXIST symbol. At Christmas? Are you kidding? I took a quick photo to document this spiritual injustice.

If you are expecting me to respond with some kind of tolerant, peaceful, graciousness, forget it. I’m outraged. You’ve seen this symbol before on bumper stickers, but to inject it into the “reason for the season” is an affront. No turning the other cheek here. I’m Ok with the Star of David, because the roots of Christianity are in the Hebrew faith. But putting the other religious expressions on the same plane as the virgin born Son of God in the manger is worse than saying “Seasons Greetings,” a phrase I find compromising. Islam doesn’t believe Jesus died for the sins of the world. “The way” of Taoism is about going with the flow, and that is not what Jesus did on the way to cross. Buddhism is a system of ethical performances without a sacrificial savior. None of these symbols has the right to coexist at Christmas.

Let’s get it straight. Mohammed is dead. Buddha is dead. Lao Tse Tung is dead. Einstein is dead. JESUS IS ALIVE, and He clearly stated, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life; no man comes to the Father [God] except through me.” Put that on a bumper sticker.

As for me and my house, no coexistence. Respect, politeness, thoughtfulness – yes. Intelligent discussion about differences, absolutely. But for the true child of God, truth matters. We’re not saved to sing kumbaya. We have a clear message, first spoken about Christ by the apostle Peter: “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” No coexistence at Christmas. Save it for a more appropriate day to celebrate: Halloween!

An encouraging word: STUDY GOD’S WORD

One of many things I discovered doing deliverance is that the devil’s kingdom is multi-faceted and unbelievably complex. Most Christians have a simplistic view of Satan. He’s far more sophisticated and ingenious than imagined. This means that Christians need to seriously understand their faith and their authority in Christ to overcome demonic evil. Second Timothy 1:15 instructs us to “study” to prove that we are capable of “rightly dividing the word of truth.” It’s okay to read the Bible for inspiration and comfort, but we also need to seriously study Scripture to fight the fight of faith. If you haven’t enrolled in our International School of Exorcism®, a Bible College of spiritual warfare, now is the time! Call 303-980-1511.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online


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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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