
Are Psychic Gifts Dangerous?


Are psychic gifts dangerous? YES! But not according to a university lecturer in England. Dr. Richard Sugg, author or 13 books, recently told Durham University students that they should welcome ghosts, poltergeists, and so-called lucid dreams. According to Sugg, these paranormal phenomena mean the recipient of such things is gifted with psychic abilities that should be tapped. Not surprisingly, Sugg has also written about cannibals, vampires, ghosts, and fairies. The writer lists 6 ways to know if you’re psychic:

  1. Being spooked in a building.
  2. Experiencing a poltergeist.
  3. Seeing a ghost.
  4. Having an out of body experience (an OBE).
  5. Having a premonition.
  6. Sensing something miles away.

Informed Christians should know that all such occurrences have demonic origins as forms of the occult.  Deuteronomy 18:9-14 lists several similar events and says they are all spiritually abominable. The biblical list includes human sacrifice, divination, fortune telling, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, spell casting, and being a psychic medium who consults the dead. The six items Sugg lists are covered by these biblical prohibitions.

Let me break down the professor’s list according to scripture:

  1. BEING SPOOKED: This means you likely have a generational curse of witchcraft. The demons in you or the curses attached to you are reacting to the presence of demons around you.
  2. EXPERIENCING A POLTERGEIST: The term poltergeist is a German word meaning a supposedly friendly or mischievous spirit. But these demons only appear harmless, like moving things or making sounds, to further lure you into the occult. Then you’ll be susceptible to more dangerous demons.
  3. SEEING GHOSTS: This really means that your spiritual eyes are open to evil through an inherited tendency to witchcraft. Or it could mean that you have created spiritual portals by meditation, yoga, Ouija boards, seances, energy healing, astrology, tarot cards and such.
  4. HAVING AN OBE: This is a certain indication you have demons. These evil spirits want you to separate soul and body so that when you’re out of the body demons can freely enter your soul.
  5. PREMONITIONS: These are demonic, psychic intrusions offering you spiritual bait to go deeper into witchcraft because it seems so harmless. And it often appears helpful, like warning someone of an impending danger.
  6. SENSING THINGS/A 6TH SENSE: If you feel that something is happening or about to happen this lure encourages looking into alleged psychic “gifts” to further develop them. This seems good but always ends up evil.

Professor Sugg, whom I mentioned earlier, may think he’s encouraging people to explore unknown abilities. He’s really luring people deeper into the darkness of witchcraft and idolatry. I deal daily with people who explored the six things I just mentioned. Most of them are now demon possessed and tormented day and night. Psychic abilities of any kind are pathetic substitutes for the true supernatural gifts spoken of in 1 Corinthians chapter twelve. Gifts of the supernatural that are not biblically based can lead to demonic bondage and eternity in hell. God’s gifts bring wisdom and comfort. Psychic gifts are dangerous and eternally deadly.

An Encouraging Word


One of the most important scriptures in the Bible warning us about the devil is First Peter 5:8. You may know it by heart. It tells us that the devil, like a “roaring lion,” stalks our steps. But notice the way Peter introduces this description of the Evil one: Be sober, be vigilant. Be on the watch. Take him seriously and be ever on-guard. Sadly, some Christians act like Lucifer is on vacation somewhere, caring less about believers. The Living Bible adds the description of the devil as an Enemy who wants to “tear apart” his victims.  Have no doubt, Satan is real, and he stalks from every angle to take advantage of our carelessness. Spiritual sobriety and constant watchfulness is one way to keep him away.

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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