Last week, while delivering a eulogy, at the funeral of congressman Elijah Cummings, Hillary Clinton made one of the stupidest statements on political record. Instead of respecting the solemnity of the occasion, she chose to attack President Trump and his wife Melania by declaring that that the two were like the biblical Ahab and Jezebel. Furthermore, she equated Cummings with his namesake, the biblical Elijah because of his unrelenting attacks on President Trump and Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh. As a staunch defender of abortion, Cummings was certainly no Elijah.
Here’s what made Hillary’s analogy so ludicrous. Ahab was an exceedingly wicked king, the worst in Israel’s history to that point, according to 1 Kings 16:30. He was a wimp. A weakling. He deferred to Jezebel’s idolatry and murderous lust. Any intelligent person would never equate the relationship between the President and the First Lady as remotely resembling that. Jezebel connived to kill the innocent man Naboth (1 Kings 21:14). Is Hillary calling Melania a murderer? The analogy is ridiculous and shows Hillary Clinton’s ignorance of Scripture. Read my book “Jezebel: Defeating Your #1 Spiritual Enemy.” It’s the definitive, published work on this subject and makes Clinton’s similitude seem ignorant and childish.
But worse yet, it masks who is the REAL Jezebel—Hillary Clinton. It was she who defended her husband’s infidelity by having oral sex in the oval office with an intern young enough to be his daughter. It was Hillary who mocked the many women (Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrik, Leslie MIllwee, Kathleen Willey) who accused Bill Clinton of indecent behavior and enabled her husband’s sexual predation. In my book “Jezebel” I explain in detail the five main characteristics of the Jezebel spirit: control, manipulation, murder, lust and false spirituality. To accuse Melania Trump, a devout Catholic Christian of being a Jezebel, is not just dumb, it’s slanderous. Tragically, this accusation was made as a crass political ploy in a house of worship during a funeral. The very malignancy of such an accusation shows who’s got the real Jezebel spirit. Whatever the trumps are, they are not Ahab and Jezebel. It makes one wonder if the REAL Ahab and Jezebel are Bill and Hillary.
An encouraging word: SIMPLE WISDOM
Christ proclaimed that we should come to Him with the faith of child, for “such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 19:14). Psalm 19:7 declares that the Law of the Lord makes “wise the simple.” Our world places great emphasis on education and erudition. Nothing wrong with that, but spiritual wisdom is not always the province of much learning. Sometimes, simple wisdom is the best — and most profound. We must never forget that the Lord has chosen the foolish things of the word to confound the wise. Get as much education as possible, but never forget this wisdom of simplicity.
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