
Beth’s Miracle


DATELINE: London, England Seminar, July 6, 2013

After ministering in more than 100 countries of the world, I finally spoke in one of the world’s premier cities – London, England. What a night it was.  The Amazing Grace Church of London was founded two years ago by Pastor Vincent Ten Bouwhuis, from the Netherlands.  Seven years ago he came to our seminars in Germany and got so excited that he flew to America and spent a month of intensive training at our Spiritual Freedom Church of Phoenix. Since then he has ministered all over the world and now pastors a thriving new outreach in the heart of the Muslim area of London.  Our first meeting on Saturday night, July 6, with the Teenage Exorcists, was covered by BBC-TV, the most watched network in England and the largest news network in the world. The cameras captured a truly miraculous deliverance of a woman name Beth, who had ridden a train four hours from Exeter.

Beth discovered me on the internet. She had been a chaplain in the Church of England but her spiritual oppression became so bad that she had to quit. After being turned down by many churches and pastors, she found our YouTube exorcism channel and knew that was what she needed. As the seminar started, I knew none of her story, but that night she dramatically manifested demons. With the help of the Teenage Exorcists, who were with me in England to film a BBC documentary, we battled demonic forces going back through 70 generations of Freemasonry. The most powerful spirit called itself Necromancy, the practice of talking to the dead condemned in Deuteronomy chapter 18 and pursued by many psychics today.  This demon had possessed Beth since birth.

The next day after her deliverance Beth was back for our Sunday morning service at Amazing Grace. She was beaming with a triumphant smile. “I finally have my life back,” she said. “Now I know what it’s like to be normal again after all these years.”

This deliverance was so dramatic that I’m doing something special for this blog. Below is a visual progression of the deliverance as it took place so you too can experience this miracle and inspire your faith for your own miracle from the Lord.

A pictorial of Beth’s exorcism as it happened.

Bob brings Beth to the front and begins to confront her demons. The demon stares Bob’s daughter, Brynne, in the eyes — fully manifested.  The Teenage Exorcists assist Bob in Beth’s exorcism. 

Beth’s demon, Necromancy, challenged Bob and the Teenage Exorcists. It didn’t want to leave, but had no other choice, but to pronounce it’s doom (go to the pit). After the deliverance, Tess anointed her. Beth hugs the Teenage Exorcists, with a smile of relief from the demon that tormented her for years. 

P. S. You must get my DVD of the violent exorcism of Viktor that took place in Siberia, Russia. You’ll see this exorcism in real time, exactly as it happened without editing, something I’ve never done before. For your gift of $50 or more to help erase the financial deficit of our LIBERATE LONDON Mission I’ll send this DVD, THE EXORCISM OF VIKTOR, a display of God’s power you’ll show to everyone.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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