
Beware Monitoring Spirits


Ever feel like someone is constantly looking over your shoulder? That there is a presence in your house? You may hear sounds or feel a cold chill in the air now and then. Perhaps, you see a shadow out the corner of your eye. You sense someone is behind you, and you quickly turn to see – nothing. It could be your imagination, or it could be a monitoring demon.

If you look up “monitoring spirits” on AI you’ll read this: “Monitoring spirits are supernatural entities that are believed to watch over individuals or families to track their behavior, actions, and decisions. They are believed to be present in different cultures, religions, beliefs, traditions, and superstitions. In some cultures, they are seen as guardian angels, while in others, they are seen as demonic spirits.”

Of course, this definition of monitoring spirits is politically correct, the woke definition of something that seems otherworldly. But the Christian understanding of such phenomena is quite different from that of a paranormal investigator. The Christian viewpoint is that these beings are never benign. They are demons that don’t necessarily enter people but hang around them, watching their lives and reporting back to higher-up demons. They may be taking spiritual notes on your life to detect possible openings for an attack. Their activity is never friendly or innocuous.

First Peter 5:8 speaks of the devil and demons walking about, encircling our lives, like a roaring lion seeking prey. These kinds of demons may not attack directly, but they will attract other evil spirits who pick up on the surveillance. Because Satan is not omnipresent, he can’t be everywhere all at once. Hence, his emissaries monitor certain individuals to assess which temptations and fears that person is most vulnerable to.

Other than the obvious sense of something following you, how else can you tell if there is a monitoring demon? You may sense them if you indulge in a moral weakness, like pornography or uncontrolled anger. They may lurk if you are smoking weed, over-indulging in alcohol, gaming with occult characters, gambling at the casino, or being promiscuous. They watch for unrepentant sin in your life, rebellious behavior not confessed, or white lies you have told.  Monitoring spirits hang around to see if you have a spiritual opening that constitutes a legal right of entry into your soul.

Monitoring demons exploit spiritual problems which go unresolved, like constant brushes with danger or death. They may target with an unusual number of physical diseases and bodily illnesses. Monitoring spirits keep you under pressure with constant oppression hoping that you will fall into temptation so they can report your weakness to a bigger and nastier demon. If you sense something is monitoring you, it is time to step up your spiritual tempo. Do some fasting. Increase your time in God’s Word. Get back in church. Memorize Bible verses. Seek deliverance prayers. Take spiritual action before a monitoring spirit hands over his job to a worse demon which enters your life and calls your soul his home.

An Encouraging Word


The prophet Samuel’s words to Israel are a warning to all today: “If you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you” (1 Samuel 1:12). These are stern words that we all need to take personally. Such a dire pronouncement has individual importance. Which of the Lord’s commandments are you avoiding or rebelling against? It may not be obvious, but look closer at issues of failing to forgive, harboring bitterness, or secretly wanting revenge. The Lord wants to be on your side to bless you. Don’t let your thoughts and actions turn His hand against you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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