
Beware These Top Six Demons Of Freemasonry!


After nearly 50 years of deliverance and exorcism ministry, I have uncovered many things about the secret structure of Satan’s kingdom. One of these previously hidden mysteries is the demonic hierarchy of Freemasonry. There are many demons that operate in this secret society such as Jezebel, Moloch, and Baal, to name a few. But the top six ones that I regularly encounter are Lucifer, Apollyon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Baphomet, and Asmodeus. I’ll first reference five of these evil spirits and then emphasize the #1 demon of Freemasonry – Lucifer.

#1 – APOLLYON: This is the Greek name for the demon Abaddon (Hebrew), the Destroyer of the bottomless pit spoken of in Revelation chapter nine. He is the king of the locust demons of the Last Days, a ruling spirit, a principality spoken of in Ephesians chapter six. The roots of Freemasonry are with the rogue Knights Templar of the Middle Ages who turned to the worship of Satan when they were persecuted. Thus, Apollyon was welcomed as a symbol of rebellion. 

#2 – LEVIATHAN: This serpent of the deep is known as the King of Pride. There is no better description of the attitude engendered among Lodge members than pride. The power, wealth, and influence of Freemasonry is one of the prideful reasons that members are drawn to the Lodge. Leviathan orchestrates that. 

#3 – BEELZEBUB: To ancient Jews, he was the prince of demons, sometimes known as the Lord of the Flies because of this affinity for frequenting excrement. His characteristics are filthiness and gluttony. Those who know of the abominable rituals performed in some lodges realize why the demon Beelzebub would be welcome there. 

#4 – BAPHOMET: This demon is usually depicted as being hermaphrodite, exhibiting cloven hooves, a goat’s head with horns, and both male and female sexual organs. According to ex-Lodge members, and the claims of Masonic demons I’ve encountered, the higher degrees of some lodges require participation in detestable sexual rituals. Baphomet is often worshipped during these evil rites. 

#5 – ASMODEUS: Lust, perversion, and unbridled sexuality are the attributes of this demon. His identity is consistent with the orgiastic activities secretly celebrated in some lodges. Asmodeus is known as one of the seven princes of hell, and thus he is noted for cruelty and lasciviousness. 

Now we will focus on the number one demon of the Lodge, the ultimate god of Freemasons, the “Supreme Architect of the Universe” as he is known by Masonic parlance. 

LUCIFER is the spiritual ruler of Freemasonry. His human representative is known as the Grand Master of the Lodge who sits in an honorific, large chair at one end of the Lodge hall. Often there is a Lucifer-worshipping pentagram positioned above him on the wall directly behind. I have been in Masonic lodges to film documentaries, and the interior openly displays Lucifer-worshipping pentagrams unashamedly. American Masons consider Albert Pike to be their greatest scholar and historian. He was also an admitted occult Luciferian, espousing his beliefs in such books as Morals and Dogma, a sacred text to Freemasons. He has written, “The masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the Purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (Adonai) and his priests calumniate (deprecate) him? Yes, Lucifer is God.” To those who read Morals and Dogma, it is clear that Pike was a powerful occultist who indulged various forms of paganism, mythology, and witchcraft, and he incorporated them into the teachings of the lodges over which he had sway. 

To further understand the dangers of Freemasonry and pray detailed prayers to break Masonic curses, get our book, Freedom from Freemasonry available in the “resources” section of our website. Don’t put off discovering if you are a victim of one of these six top demons of Freemasonry. 

An Encouraging Word


Does God make mistakes? Is the Almighty capricious? Is He ever cruel and uncaring? Isaiah has the answer (25:1): For in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things.  Two things here. What God does is always marvelous, even if at the time it doesn’t seem like it. Second, His faithfulness is perfect. You and I can’t always be depended upon. Try as we may, we fail one another, even the ones we love most. But the Lord is always faithful, and He is perfect. You can count on Him to always be there for you and never fail.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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