Can the Devil Read Your Mind?


Can the devil read your mind? Yes and no. Not in the sense that, for example, does Satan know what you’re thinking during quiet, contemplative prayers. Not once does the Bible say the devil knows our thoughts. Psalm 94:11 declares, “The Lord knows the thoughts of man.” When we consider if the devil knows what we are thinking, we must ask this question in a broader sense of behavioral detection. Simply put, the devil can plant a thought, watch to see your reaction, and then proceed accordingly, depending on our response. A thought of lust, for example, if engendered by a demon, may be allowed by the victim to take root in the person’s soul. This reaction can easily be observed by the devil, whether by the individual’s emotional response or the telltale signs of bodily reactions. This all happens quickly and gives the impression that the devil is reading one’s mind.

Demons, especially if they are in the soul of a demonized individual, also know how to read one’s temperature and blood pressure. They can do retinal readings and sense heart palpitations. They may be aware of psychosexual reactions. The list of ways for Satan to “read” our mind is endless. And don’t forget that the devil is a master of recognizing our body language and other behavioral responses. This way of reading the human mind was perfected as far back as Eden. When the serpent planted thoughts of disobedience in Eve’s mind, he followed the trail of her responses that led to the fall of humanity.

Evil does more than look over your shoulder. Satan senses what’s going on inside your head, whether you are resisting evil or entertaining temptation.  What he does next will depend on whether you submit your mind to Christ and restrain further evil ideas.  

Next, I’m going to explain how you can turn these tactics of devil against him, especially when doing deliverance. Instead of being spiritually hijacked by the devil, you can highjack him and send him TO THE PIT! 

An Encouraging Word


Paul said that the gospel he preached “did not come in word only, but also in power” (1 Thessalonians 1:5). It seems that we have a lot of words today, but not a lot of power. We live in a time where there has never been more preaching of the gospel on radio, TV, in print, on social media, and in person. But most of it is just words, words, words. Are you like me and long to see the “power?” I don’t mean talking about power related in stories of some mission field far away. I mean power here and now, right where we live. That’s why the ministry of deliverance is so important. It demonstrates spiritual power in the here and now. I encourage you to make a goal of pursuing real power, the power of spiritual warfare.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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