
Can The Devil Read Your Mind?


Can the devil read your mind? Most people hope that he can’t, but they aren’t sure. Even those who are Christians wonder if Satan knows what they’re thinking, at least some of the time. The answer is simple. From a biblical standpoint the answer is a unequivocal NO! Why then does it seem like Satan knows our thoughts sometimes? There are two parts to this answer. First let’s see what the Bible says. Second, I’ll explain the practical process by which the devil gives the impression that he knows our thoughts.

Our online educational track Bob Larson University has a detailed explanation regarding this dilemma in the fourth department, the Institute of Supernatural Studies, Course #4. If you want a comprehensive answer to this question, regarding the devil reading your thoughts, enroll now by clicking here. The matter of Satan’s intrusion into our mind is far more complex than most realize, but to give you a quick answer consider these scriptures:

  • “The Lord knows the thoughts of man” (Psalm 94:11 NKJV).
  • “The Lord searches all hearts [minds] and understands all the intent of the thoughts” (1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV).

Other verses express the same sentiment, that Satan can’t read our minds. There is no biblical example of the devil ever reading the thoughts of an individual. Clearly, the province of thought formation in human consciousness is sacred and inviolable. It is part of the will. God himself may know our thoughts, but even He does not force his thoughts upon it. If God doesn’t violate our thoughts by force to make us think what He wants, He certainly wouldn’t let Satan do it. What, then, is the mental mechanism that Satan uses to make it look like he’s reading our thoughts? Here is what happens.

A demon speaks into the mind of a person a certain temptation, such as sexual sin. The individual hears the demonic thought and acts upon it. If the sin is then committed, the victim feels as if the devil knew he/she had lustful desires. It’s the devil’s high degree of accuracy in planting thoughts and watching responses that gives the impression he knows what you are thinking. It’s an almost instant feedback loop of a mentally implanted temptation and the sin that follows, followed by the devil inserting yet another similar temptation in the mind. Suggestion and response, followed by yet another suggestion and response.

Our goal as a Christian is not only to reject sinful impressions in our thoughts. We must also heed Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in your which was also in Christ Jesus” (KJV). The devil doesn’t know your thoughts, he only reads your response. And he will be less likely to do that if you truly seek the mind of Christ.” Remember, for more information go to boblarsonuniversity.org.

An Encouraging Word


Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. David’s words of Psalm 16:1 remind us how important lineage is. In our society of instant gratification we may lose sight of the future effect of our actions. Each of us needs to ask ourselves how everything we do will affect our good name, our reputation, our future belief system, and our progeny. Do you want your children and grandchildren to be blessed and preserved by your godly influence? Think beyond the moment in which you live. What heritage will you leave for future generations? There is nothing more important to leave those who come after you than the knowledge that you put your trust in God.

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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