
Can You Sell Your Soul To Satan?


Can you sell your soul to Satan? Some demonic cults say that you can. They even have rituals to accomplish the task. But are those ceremonies and pacts with the devil eternally legal and binding? Other people I’ve encountered think they can never be saved because in a foolish moment when they were younger, they wanted something. In desperation they told the devil they’d serve him if he’d give them a certain thing? Let state up front. Even after having encountered people involved in Satanism who have participated in unthinkably degrading demonic rituals, not one has ever truly sold his soul to the devil. Let me explain.

Jesus himself posed this question in Mark 8:37: “What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (KJV) We must put this comment in context. Christ was speaking to his disciples and emphasizing the importance of following Him without compromise. Just earlier in verse 34 Jesus made the well-know “take up you cross” analogy. Also, the next verse of this chapter, Mark 8:38, gives us a clearer meaning of what Christ meant: “For, whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of Him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”

A proper exegesis of the Mark 8:37-38 statements, about exchanging one’s soul, clearly shows that Christ was talking about someone who was never saved, not a Christian who may have called on the devil in a moment of weak faith and mental confusion. Jesus is describing a rebellious person who willfully lives in sin. Such a person will not enter into heaven. This individual has not sold his soul to Satan in a diabolical pact. He has merely given up the hope of salvation by deliberately choosing to continue in sin in defiance of God’s love.

Still, I have met those who believe they made some kind of pact with the devil, spoken or unspoken. Consequently, they are tormented. If you are such a person, the solution is simple. As Romans 10:13 states, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (KJV) No ifs, ands, or buts. Call and Christ will save you. If you think you made and agreement with the devil, consider these three points:

 1) If it was done before you were saved, the blood of Jesus canceled it when you came the Christ.

 2) If you did it in a weak or backslidden moment as a Christian, God’s grace is extended to you without limit for ANY sin of ANY kind. On a human scale we are to forgive seventy times seven (Matthew 18:22 — an infinite number). The Divine scale of mercy is much greater. Psalm 103:11 says, “For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear Him.” (NKJV)

3) If you think you made a deal with the devil, perhaps you were without full mental capabilities, such as stress, depression, grief over a death, momentary anger at God, the influence of any drug (including a doctor’s medication. Stop tormenting yourself. You didn’t commit an unpardonable sin.

Any agreement with Satan is automatically invalidated due to extenuating circumstances. Verbally cancel it. Declare it null and voice. Place it under the blood of Jesus and break such a curse. Then seek prayers of deliverance, healing, and exorcism to get mentally and emotionally free from any rash statements of the past. Our ministry is here to help.

An Encouraging Word


In Psalm 17:2 David cried out, “Let my vindication come from you.” He knew that he’d been loyal to King Saul, even though the monarch wanted to kill him. An entire kingdom sought David’s life, yet he had done nothing wrong. When he found Saul in a cave and might have murdered him, he didn’t. David knew that his only vindication could come from the Lord. We’ve all been tempted to strike back when we feel wronged for having done no wrong. It’s best to do what David did and turn it over to the Lord. Let the true test of your veracity come from God.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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