
Cardi B & Thee Stallion – Sodom at The Grammys


I didn’t tune in to this year’s Grammys. Who wants to watch such a grotesque display of sexually-graphic entertainment? It used to be about the music, but now the Grammys have degenerated into Sodom on CBS. I did watch news reports after I heard about the controversy regarding Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Their performance was based on the song WAP—the crude, vulgar, meaning of which I can’t quote here it’s so disgustingly demonic. Look it up online if you must but be prepared to be spiritually gut-punched.  

It’s hard to discreetly describe what CBS-TV aired. These two marginally talented women, pole-danced, progressively disrobed, and eventually ended up on an over-sized bed simulating hardcore porn, lesbian sexual acts. It wasn’t erotic. It was nauseating. And it was done in the name of black pride and feminist liberation. Frankly, it was racist in its degrading depiction of African American women as sex objects, connoisseurs of Jezebel inspired lust. Sadly, too many young, black, and white, women may now aspire to this path of fame and fortune.

Both women are obviously possessed by Jezebel spirits. But what made them this way? Cardi B is of Trinidadian descent, an Island nation filled with Shango witchcraft. I’ve been there and cast out Shango demons. Her bio includes membership in the Bloods criminal gang and a stint at stripping. Her first rap release was called “Gangsta B**** Music.” Stallion started rapping in her teens and even as a youth was known for sexually explicit lyrics. Her rap “Don’t Stop” includes lines like, “When we **** my ***** talk, cause I’ve got another n**** that’s gon’ do it if he don’t.”

By the time God’s judgment fell on Sodom, not even 10 righteous men could be found in the entire city. Even after the angels of the Lord had stricken the sodomites blind (read Genesis 19) they persisted in their perversions. In 1965 Billy Graham was quoted as saying, “If God doesn’t soon bring judgment upon America, He’ll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!” That was 50 years ago. Today, the Cardi-Stallion display of debauchery is 50 times, maybe 500 times, worse. Dig up Sodom now. Apologies are in order.

An Encouraging Word


With all the evil in the world today it’s easy to get a bit discouraged. The forces of moral disintegration seem to triumph on every side. The story is told of the late Mother Teresa going to a shopkeeper to get some bread to be donated for starving children. The man reportedly spat in her face. She replied, “That’s what you do to me. But what are you going to do for the children?” Humbled, the man gave her bread. Romans 12:21 puts it this way: Overcome evil with good. The next time you are disrespected, try the biblical way of handling the situation.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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