
Celebrity Distractions & End Time Demons of Rev. 9


Some thoughts on the state of the world as we wake up to Daylight Savings Time. The world teeters on edge of WW III and yet the most popular news web sites are obsessed with Tom Brady’s return to football and the moral circus of Kim Kardashian, her lover Pete Davidson, and her not-yet-ex Kanye West.

This weekend a Russian rocket exploded 12 miles from the Polish border. President Xi of China and Vladimir Putin are forming an alliance against America. Meanwhile our cowardly government won’t give Ukraine the jets they need to fight back. Innocent civilians are dying in Ukraine, including 100 children have died in the war. Russians have killed pregnant woman, bombed hospitals, and even shot a bi-lateral amputee sitting a wheelchair. Our response is to take the yachts of oligarchs. I ask, what kind of moral equivalency is that?

In spite of the current war scenario, Tom Brady’s return to football is what most people are talking about. He quit to be a family man. Well, that noble idea lasted a month. His wife is a famous model and a Brazilian witch. Brady has publicly credited her witchcraft with helping him to win a Super Bowl. He is worth over a billion dollars in past salaries and endorsements doesn’t need the money. It is ego and pride drives his story to top of the list of most trending topics.

Meanwhile the Kanye West/Pete Davidson feud continues. (Pete is the latest sex partner of Kim Kardashian, still wife of Kanye West). Kanye invited him to go to church. Davidson sent back a photo of him naked in bed with Kardashian. Davidson brags about what a great mother Kardashian is to her 4 kids with West. And this is a woman who regularly appears barely clothed and recently did yet another nude photo shoot. And she’s a good mother?

We are one missile misfiring and landing in Poland, Latvia, Slovenia, or Lithuania. Then all bets are off, and NATO has no choice but to declare war on Russia. How close are we to the unleashing of the 4 demons of Revelation 9:15 before the trumpet sounds and the Lord returns? Read these words of revelation 9:13-16: The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God. It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number (NIV).

Euphrates was the cradle of human civilization. This means that we have a fundamental return to the original earthly powers of primal evil, having come full circle from the beginning to the end (prepared specifically for the hour, month, day, and year). These beings come to kill so they are obviously demons, fallen angels. This refers to an earthly army controlled by demons. They are as a plague of locusts, innumerable. The number is equal to 200 million. Who might be able in earthly terms to raise such an army? It’s obviously a combination of nations with military might. Russia, China, Iran, the “Stans” states under Russian control? In ages past these demon kingdoms of destruction were speculated to be the Parthians (Persians), Huns, Vikings, and Muslims and their empires. But this interpretation ignores the literal biblical intent that these were four actual fallen angel-demons at the end of time, using kingdoms/nations existing at the end of the ages.

Who are these demons? If Leviathan is the Best of Revelation 13 then he may not be one of the four. Other principality demons who destroy are Beelzebub, Mammon, Murder, Death, Moloch, Baal, Azazel, Behemoth, to name a few prominent ones. The four demons of Rev. 9:15 could be any combination of these. The fact that these four demons have been bound since some time after the fall, means they are primal demons, associated with very early kinds of evil active near the genesis of mankind

While our government dithers and Kyiv is bombed, Satan is preparing to unleash these forces of evil. Whether that happens in a month, a year, or 10, 20, or even more years, the devil is patient to establish his plan for the End Times. America must be ready, the Church must be ready, and you must be ready by surrendering your life to Christ and getting deliverance from your demons.

An Encouraging Word


When should we be grateful to the Lord? When we are blessed? When all is well? When our bank account is full, and our relationships are strong? Psalm 7:17 has the answer: “I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness.” That unconditional statement sets the standard for our worship. Don’t let your problems, your worries your stress, your trials define whether you will thank God. Your praise of Him should be according to who He is, not how you feel.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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