
Cleanse a Haunted House in 5 steps


Is your house haunted? Do you sometimes feel an unnatural cold? Are there spooky sounds with no logical explanation – footsteps, doors open and close on their own? Perhaps you’ve felt a presence or seen dark shadows out the corner of your eyes. Some people tell me of seeing a figure standing at the foot of their bed in the night. Others hear heavy breathing, groans, shrieks, even screams. Do objects move on their own or disappear and re-appear in a different location? If it is a real ghost and not your imagination, what can be done? Here are five steps to getting rid of an evil spirit that frightens you.

 STEP #1: Check out your faith status. Are you a Christian? If the apparitional presence in your house is a demon, only the power of Jesus Christ can drive it out. Preferably, don’t do this alone. Matthew 18:19 mandates prayers of agreement as being the most powerful.

STEP #2: If you are not the first occupant of the house, apartment, trailer, or whatever your living quarters, who lived there before? Did any acts of violence, such as murder or suicide occur there? Were the prior occupants involved in the occult? It may be difficult to find out these facts but try. What you may discover could be the answer to your haunting.

STEP #3: Clean house. Throw out anything that could attract evil. Some examples are pornography, Buddhas, non-Christian religious art like mandalas or Haitian voodoo paintings, Masonic regalia, occult books like The Satanic Bible, New Age paraphernalia (crystals, sacred stones etc.), or artifacts representing pagan beliefs.

STEP #4: Go through the house with holy anointing oil. Start at the furthest extremity (including basement or second floor). Demons are supernatural beings, but when they enter our time/space material world they are somewhat bound by our physical realities. Consequently, the must enter through an opening. Going room to room, anoint the sides of each window, the lintels of each door and any opening. End up at the front door, the symbol of ownership and right of entry. Anoint the door and command anything evil still present to leave by the authority of Jesus Christ.

STEP #5: You may also want to walk the property on which the dwelling sits and anoint the four corners to cleanse the surroundings as an extra step of protection.  

There are other considerations to cleansing a haunted house. Check out our 500-page “Larson’s Book of Spiritual Warfare” for more detailed instructions. I encourage you strongly to schedule a spiritual encounter with me, in person or virtually. The house may be possessed because you have demons and that gives them a right to stay. Or there may a curse that needs uncovered. Take action now and remember that, if I may paraphrase 1 John 4:4, “Greater is he who is in you than he who is in your haunted house.”

An Encouraging Word


Blasphemy. America used to have laws on the books against it. Today it is common fare in everyday life. God’s name is damned. Jesus Christ has become a curse word. But reviling the Lord is not a light matter. Revelation 13:6 tells us that this sin is one of Lucifer’s final acts of rebellion against God. Cursing God is one way to align with Lucifer, and that is a fatal spiritual decision. If you mimic the Anti-Christ’s actions at the end of the ages, you will be risking your own soul in the here and now.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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