
Colorado School Killer

Less than two weeks ago, May 8, two youths opened fire on students in the latest school shooting, in Denver, Colorado. One student was killed and at least 8 injured. The facts of this killing clearly illustrate that it was the result of an evil generational curse. The leader of the two killers, Maya McKinney, insisted through his lawyer that he be addressed with his female, transgendered choice of name rather than his given, male biological name of Alec. As background facts unfolded, it became clear that the blame for this incident shouldn’t entirely be placed on two mixed-up kids, but on an evil father whose legacy was death.
Jose Quintana, the father of Alec/Maya (conceived illegitimately) was an illegal immigrant, twice deported back to Mexico. He had a history of alcohol and drug problems. Quintana had served 15 months for violence against the shooter’s mother Morgan McKinney. Strangely, the felon convinced Morgan to marry him, despite beating her and menacing her with a weapon. Yet, in the days before he opened fire on fellow students, the teen shooter begged his mother put him in touch with his father.
Just these facts make clear that the young McKinney killer was plagued by a variety of demons and curses. First, the curse of illegitimacy, which few people know about, including pastors. This curse is detailed in our book “Curse Breaking.” Second, the curse of abandonment, by a criminal father who was a wife-beater and drug addict. Obviously, the shooter was possessed by a spirit of death and destruction from the father, leading to the death and injury of others. None of this would likely have happened, had Alec/Maya been raised in a loving, affirmative home, especially one with Christian faith. We also must wonder, why was the father so damaged? Santeria or witchcraft in his Mexican family? Was he, and his son, plagued by ancient bloodthirsty Aztec curses from his human sacrificing ancestors, as is the case with many in Mexico? Look at our YouTube channel (click here to view) and you’ll see examples of this. Even godly Hispanic people are startled to find such ancestral evil hidden in them, as with the Irish who are oblivious to their witchcraft Druid ancestors and the Scandinavians who often have murderous Nordic gods in their bloodline.
The real answer to stopping school killings isn’t about gun laws or First Amendment debates. The hope to stopping more lost youth like the Colorado school killers is making people of aware of how generational curses operate and giving the hope of Christ to escape such ancestral evil.

An encouraging word: ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST

How many times have you heard a Christian say with boldness and determination, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s a great thought, but I wonder if we don’t sometimes put the emphasis on the “I” rather than “Christ.” “I” can do this, or “I” can do that. Such a sentiment can turn into a bit of an ego trip with Jesus along for the ride of what “I” can do. Rethink what Paul said in Philippians 4:13 to put the focus on “Christ” who does His work and will through the vehicle of the “I.” Indeed we may do great things for God, but it’s all about Christ in us and His strengt

How many times have you heard a Christian say with boldness and determination, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s a great thought, but I wonder if we don’t sometimes put the emphasis on the “I” rather than “Christ.” “I” can do this, or “I” can do that. Such a sentiment can turn into a bit of an ego trip with Jesus along for the ride of what “I” can do. Rethink what Paul said in Philippians 4:13 to put the focus on “Christ” who does His work and will through the vehicle of the “I.” Indeed we may do great things for God, but it’s all about Christ in us and His strength.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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