
Copycat Deliverance


You may not realize it, but many prominent deliverance ministers got their start from our ministry. Some used to listen to me on the radio when, for 20 years, I hosted a nationally syndicated talk show. (Often I would cast out demons, live and on-the-air, remember?) Other ministers read my books and followed suit. Many are alumni of our International School of Exorcism. When I started casting out demons, there was no one to mentor me. There were very few books on the topic of casting out demons and no online School of Exorcism. (There was no Internet.) That’s all changed. Hardly a day goes by without my hearing of someone using our teachings and methods of deliverance. A few credit the source of their knowledge. Most don’t. That’s OK. What’s important is that ministry is taking place and people are being set free. That’s my goal. I’d clone myself a million times if I could, at least the deliverance part. It brings me joy to see so many who have followed in our footsteps. We need many more like Anton, pictured below. I met him during our recent Ukraine mission. He had a testimony to share with me.

Copycat deliverance is all right. It’s what we want. It’s what this ministry is dedicated to doing. It’s why we launched our online International School of Exorcism. Our desire is to copycat what Jesus did, what the disciples did, and what the Early Church did. We strive to do “do what Jesus did” and we encourage others to do the same.

Enroll in the International School of Exorcism.

Available in Russian and English.


OR CALL 303-980-1511.


Anton in Ukraine, does Russian-language deliverance said,

“When you taught at the Bible College in prior years, I learned how to cast out demons. When I heard that you did Skype exorcisms I tried it. It works very well. I do it all over the world with people who speak only Russian, from Estonia to Portugal and Russia. I have also been to 22 churches in Russia and I preach what you have taught us in Bible College. I have seen many, many people set free. Thank you.”

An encouraging word: HAVE A DUAL PERSPECTIVE

In these times of economic chaos, recurring incidents of mass murder and terrorism, and ever more gross indecency, it’s hard not to be discouraged. We know that the Bible tells us in Luke 21:28 to “look up,” but it’s difficult not to look down sometimes. We need a spiritual dual perspective; being aware of the evil around us and also seeing that grace still does “much more abound” (Rom. 5:20). Learn to look up awaiting your redemption while also being conscious of the need to overcome evil with good every deed.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

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Picture of Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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