
Coronavirus Crisis


Coronavirus is a health crisis, especially in China. I get that. But balance is needed concerning how serious this really is. The media is milking it. Politicians are exploiting it. And people are dying, but not exactly in apocalyptic proportions. Depending on the actual stats by the time you read this, the deaths from this disease won’t come anywhere near the yearly toll of the common flu – up to half a million deaths each year worldwide and 36,000 in the U.S. About 50,000 Americans die each year from drug overdoses. The total of murders each year in America is pushing 20,000. In 2018 over 48,000 people killed themselves. In perspective, coronavirus is an exceedingly minor threat. In fact, less than 2% of those infected die.   

But on TV, it’s all coronavirus.  Cable news needs crises to get ratings. Having exhausted themselves catastrophizing immigration issues, Russian election interference, climate change, and identity politics, the coronavirus crisis is made to order to get the public’s attention. Horror stories of disasters incite fear in the public, and that provides talk show topics. Meanwhile, the real crisis of a demonic takeover of society by New Age mystics, yoga classes, reiki energy healers, mindful meditation gurus, enneagram advocates, Wiccan covens, and Satanist cults marches on. Worse yet, it’s being exploited by preachers who treat the topic as it if were the fulfillment of the plagues in John’s Revelation. It’s not even close.  

A global health threat is concerning; but a spiritual pandemic of occultism has a 100% eternal death rate if left untouched by the power of Jesus. What’s really scary is the seven angels with the seven plagues in Revelation 15. That should strike fear in the hearts of all those who flaunt evil. Revelation 9:20 sadly states that even after the visitation of God’s wrath many in the End Times will not repent of their sorceries. Before the final apocalyptic catastrophe of disease and destruction strikes, turn to Christ now, and escape that awful day. Be set free from the spiritual epidemic of demonic influence and the infectious effect of sin. 

An Encouraging Word


We often refer to the apostle Thomas as “doubting Thomas,” but Jesus didn’t rebuke him. Christ simply said in John 20:29, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Seeing is believing, we sometimes say, and that isn’t wrong. To the contrary, Christ publicly demonstrated His divinity by the miraculous, including casting out demons. There was no condemnation to those who saw and believed. We need to get rid of false spiritual pride that says, “I don’t need to see miracles, I believe without them.” That’s why I demonstrate deliverance, so those who need to see can believe. Let’s put the emphasis where it belongs, on the believing and not downgrade the seeing.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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