The coronavirus epidemic, known by its abbreviated designation COVID-19, is demonic. But perhaps not in the way you think. This virus, which is causing panic in every sector of society, certainly could be a demon functioning as a disease. From my experiences, demons can operate three different ways. They can 1) cause a disease, 2) take advantage to exacerbate a pre-existing diseased condition, or 3) be the actual disease itself. For example, using the disease of cancer as an illustration, some people have cancer due to genetic or environmental conditions. Some have their malignancy exploited by spirits of infirmity. Others have cancer because they have a cancer demon. I have seen instances of all three factors of infirmity with many different diseases. Often, only an exorcism, or attempted deliverance, will find the root cause of an illness.
I say that COVID-19 is demonic, not because I have empirical evidence. As of yet I haven’t ministered to anyone who has the virus. If they were diagnosed, they’d be in quarantine, not scheduling an encounter with me; however, here’s what’s really demonic. Not the disease itself, which in a nation of more than 330 million people has so far affected just over 1,000 people, which is about .000003 percent of the population! That’s about 3/1,000 percent of the population.
What’s demonic is the fear factor. In Luke 21 Christ spoke of the End Times and declared that during the final hours of humanity these things would be present: (1) “nations will be in anguish and perplexity “(v. 25), and (2) “men will faint from terror” (v. 26), or as the KJV puts it “men’s hearts failing them for fear.” Can you find a better depiction for what’s happening with COVID-19? No, the end isn’t yet. What we’re witnessing is a trial-run for the Apocalypse. And demons of fear are milking this for every ounce of terror they can foment.
Even one death of COVID-19 is one too many. As a country we must do all we can to fight back against this killer. But this disease, by itself, shows no signs of destroying us as a nation. The fear of this disease could transform our lives, our freedoms, and how we worship. And that is demonic. As I’ve often taught, one of the most powerful demons is the spirit of Fear. It is a gateway demon that opens the door to many other evil spirits. Fear is the antithesis of faith. When a nation, or an individual, becomes driven by fear, all kinds of evil impulses take over.
Instead of wringing our hands and pointing political fingers, why not declare a National Day of Prayer to combat COVID-19? Better yet, a National Day of Exorcism to confront every spirit of fear in our land. That, and seeking a medical cure, would be the best way fight back against the demons of fear which are exploiting COVID-19.