
Curses Have Consequences


Before there was El Paso and Dayton, there was Jonesboro, Arkansas, March 24, 1998. Two children, Mitchel Johnson, age 13, and Andrew Golden, age 11, set up a slaughter at their middle school. They rang a fire alarm, causing the evacuation of the school, while waiting in a wooded area 100 yards away. The two opened fire on the students exiting outside, killing four and a teacher. Ten were wounded. The youngsters had a stolen van filled with 3 semi-automatic rifles, crossbows, and hunting knives. They were caught and adjudicated as delinquents, sent to reform institutes, and released at age 21 with no criminal record. Once released, both were involved in brushes with the law, including theft, drugs, and the possession of firearms. In July of this year, roughly 20 years after the school massacre, Golden, who had changed his name to Drew Grant, now age 33, was driving down an Arkansas road near Little Rock when he was hit head-on by a Chevy pickup driven by Daniel Petty. Both drivers were killed instantly. Galatians 6:7 was fulfilled: What a man sows that shall he reap!No one, according to my research, ever came up with a clear explanation for the shootings. Some suggested the motives were a mixture of youthful machoism and unrequited puppy love. This is much is clear. The murder that was visited on the victims of Johnson and Golden became a curse that boomeranged on both. Johnson has repeatedly been afoul of the law, and Golden is now dead from a violent car crash. When Golden pulled the trigger that day in 1998 he brought a curse of death on his own head. Based on my experiences as an exorcist, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that in the bloodlines of both there are relatives and/or ancestors who committed murder or suicide. What these two kids did couldn’t have happened without some pre-existing curse of death.   Curses have consequences. Our Personal Spiritual Encounter session constantly reveal that the evil impulses of today have roots in the past. The individual molested now has a parent or blood relative to whom the same thing happened. The victim of certain diseases may find that several people in their bloodline suffered the same malady. In fact, most human tragedy is rooted in ancestral links to evil in other ages. Read our book “Curse Breaking” (to order click here) which explains the continuity and perpetuity of curses. The book also includes 25 pages of detailed prayers to break curses. Our International School of Exorcism has even more details about the ongoing evil of curses. Our Advanced Academy of Deliverance has two hour-long training modules with detailed descriptions of the ethno-centric beginnings of curses. Get the facts. Get your curses before your curses get you. Curses have consequences!

An encouraging word: THE LORD’S SWORD  

One of the demons I most frequently face (besides the ever-present Jezebel) is Leviathan. For any who are tormented by this cunning and evil spirit, Isaiah 27:1 has a promise: The Lord will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent . . .” All evil is ultimately subject to the Lord, even the most hideous of demonic forces. Whatever spiritual oppression you may facing, remember that God has a “fierce, great and powerful sword” ready to set you free!

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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