
Danger Zone Evangelism!

Thursday, February 20th 2014
Scenes below are from Kiev where our Ukraine Mission begins in just a few weeks!

Undoubtedly, you’ve watched the steady slide of Ukraine into civil war and the horrible fighting taking place there this week. It’s the #1 news story of the day – dozens dead and hundreds (likely thousands) seriously injured. You may have wondered why I’ve made six mission trips there in the last four years, and plan to go again in less than two months. Also, keep in mind, our city of disembarkation is Kiev, where the worst fighting is taking place. Here’s the logic: Ukraine is . . .

  • The largest country in Eastern Europe – 50 million people.
  • The agricultural bread basket of Europe and Russia.
  • The largest economy between Germany and Russia.
  • The post-Cold War battleground between Communism and democracy.
  • The most extensively Christianized country in that part of the world.
  • We are aligned with 500 churches that love our ministry.
  • The Bible College where we teach is the largest outside the Americas.
  • The greatest revival I’ve witnessed in my lifetime is taking place there.
  • If the current conflict goes bad, we may not be able to go there again for some time.

MOST IMPORTANT: Unlike America, deliverance, exorcism, and healing is embraced not shunned! People long to be saved. They want to get free. They seek God fervently. They are on fire for the Lord in a way that shames America.

Is it risky? Yes. Pray that full-blown civil war doesn’t break out making it impossible to travel there. So long as the door is open, and our friends and partners back us with prayers and offerings, our plans aren’t changing. I and our team WILL LAND IN KIEV! Now that you clearly understand why we’re going to Ukraine, show your support today by a call or email of encouragement and a generous gift. Please pray for the amazing Christians of Ukraine who are caught in this crossfire that may determine the political future of Eastern Europe.


Call 303-980-1511 or CLICK HERE.

An encouraging word:  GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS

I deal constantly with generational sin issues that are destroying lives due to ancestral evil. How I long to see generational blessings as prevalent, or even more so, than generational iniquity. Imagine how our culture and our country would be so different if our children were raised with parents who had an absence of drug addiction, alcoholism, and sexual abuse. What if the youth of today were inheriting the blessing of consistent faith in God and respect for authority nurtured by a loving father and mother? John Lennon “imagined” a world without religion, and we’re close to his godless goal with disastrous results. Blessings or curses, that’s the choice that was before Israel in Deuteronomy chapter 28, and it’s the same issue we face today.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


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Picture of Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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