
Dangers Of Dream Interpretation


This blog is a word of caution – not a prohibition – on dream interpretation. Some self-appointed Christian leaders have gone rogue writing books, giving prophecies, and getting “words from the Lord” about people’s dreams. Some are right on. Others are misguided. Certain individuals are crassly exploitive. First, let me state where I stand biblically. God did speak through dreams in ancient times such as Joseph in Genesis 37 (the sheaves of wheat) and Genesis 40 (the baker and the cupbearer). In Daniel there was the dream of Nebuchadnezzar regarding a statue and a fallen tree. Daniel himself dreamed of four beasts in chapter seven of the book bearing his name. God spoke to others in dreams and visions, Mary the mother of Jesus, Joseph her husband, Jacob and his ladder, and the Apostle Peter, recorded in Acts 10.

Dreams are simply the continuation of soul consciousness during sleep, a normal brain function. So-called “lucid dreaming” occurs when an individual interjects himself deliberately into dream events and actively participates. This isn’t evil per se but is often encouraged today by occultists as a way to manipulate reality. So-named dreamcatchers of Native Americans (circles of beads and feathers) are believed to capture bad spirits attacking the sleeper. On the positive side there are many stories coming from non-Christian countries, such as Islamic nations, where people have come to Christ because of visions and dreams, much like Cornelius in the book of Acts.

But words of caution are in order with the rampant dream conspiracy that has taken over some Christian circles in America. Beware these warnings:

  1. My many decades of experiences in this realm have taught me that Westerners are not good dreamers. Their dreams shouldn’t be trusted as much as those of African and Asian cultures. Our rationalistic way of processing information makes it harder for us in the West to be objective about our dreams.
  2. Those who haven’t had deliverance and curse breaking prayers are especially susceptible to inaccurate and misleading dream interpretations. In general, get spiritually free first before going on dream tangents.
  3. Beware sexual dreams which may also include severe, non-neurological sleep paralysis. My book “Jezebel” has an entire chapter on the subject of incubus and succubus sexual demons that operate through dreams. These dream experiences range from feeling a presence to touching and actual intercourse.
  4. If offered food in a dream, DON’T eat it. This is a common spiritual connection made by ancestral spirits and the dreamer. Indians and Africans understand this better than Americans and such dreams are common in their world.
  5. Don’t be a victim of fears and premonitions related to dream warnings. They may or may not be from God and are a common way people are drawn into the occult. The dreamer may seek more information about their dreams by consulting a psychic’s interpretation.

There is much to say on this matter, but I lack adequate time in this blog. In summary, be wary of dream interpreters, especially preachers who know nothing about you but offer online to interpret your dreams. It’s often a scam. The same is true with New Age dream diviners. There is even a “Dream Bible” that claims a database of over 350,000 dreams. Stay away from such. I do believe in in occasional supernatural intervention by dreams. I have personally heard the audible voice of God once in my life. I also once had a demonic dream of a Leviathan spirit attacking me, a warning from the Lord. I don’t disregard all the unusual ways that God can communicate with His people, including dreams.  But be wary of those who offer to interpret your dreams. Dream authenticity is a matter between you and the Holy Spirit, not an internet evangelist.

An Encouraging Word


Horror movies traffic in terror. Each scene is designed to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, terrified at what might happen next. That is frightening but fake. Isaiah 8:13 tells us whom to truly fear: The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy. He is the one you are to fear, He is the one you are to dread. Why? It is God alone who has power over life and death, and He holds the decision of your eternal destiny in His hands. Don’t be afraid of things that go “bump” in the night or the images on a movie screen, which are concocted to terrify. Fear the Lord to whom you will answer for your deeds when you die.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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