
Dealing with Demons


The below is adapted from the Introduction to “Dealing with Demons.”

The title is simple enough, but there is nothing simple about this book. It’s a book I’ve always wanted to write. It’s all new material, not duplicated in any of my other books. It’s aimed at pastors, counselors, deliverance ministers, and anyone who has an interest in setting people free from demonic forces. After having written 34 previous books, how is it possible to write nearly 200 pages of all new information? Easy. The topic of inner healing/deliverance/exorcism is inexhaustible. My desire in writing DEALING WITH DEMONS is to provide a realistic and balanced approach to setting the captives free.

I begin the book by emphasizing that Jesus spent time ministering to people. The Sermon on the Mount lasted so long that food had to be supernaturally provided. The Syrophoenician woman had her faith tested at length by the Lord. The “woman at the well” encounter was a long conversation as Jesus lovingly drew out the facts of her life. Jesus took time. He touched the feelings of people and thus illustrated to us how to elicit the deepest needs of those requiring ministry. In some ways, Christ was the first psychotherapist, using a process of listening and talking to bring hope and healing to emotional disorders. Certainly, Jesus ultimately intervened supernaturally and miraculously. But preceding that, it’s obvious that He met people right where they were psychologically, even when they were in the midst of intense pain.

And Jesus asked a lot of questions. “What is your name?” he inquired of the demon Legion (Mark 5:9) “How long has this been happening to him?” (Mark 9:21 — asked of the man with a demon possessed son who tried to kill himself.) Christ knew the answers to these question. He was fully God incarnate. Why did He ask? In order to demonstrate that deliverance from demons isn’t always an act of power-packed intervention. More often it is a painstakingly slow process of well-asked questions and much-analyzed answers. Like good Christian counseling, the path to freedom from spiritual bondage is paved with listening skills and Spirit-led inquires. It is in this give-and-take that the keys to winning in spiritual warfare are often unveiled.

An encouraging word: ALL SHALL WORSHIP GOD

“All the ends of the world . . . shall worship before You.” That prophetic statement of Psalm 22:27 is quite remarkable. So few, compared to worldwide population, bow before the Lord today. But God’s Word is true. And who will it be that kneels before the Ancient of Days? The nation of Israel, as improbable as that may seem now. The unsaved of all the ages, including atheists, the ungodly, and evil men of all sorts. Most important, the redeemed will bow. Better to bow now by choice then be forced to bow in judgment at the end of time.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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