
Demon Detective


In our age of Internet dating a new $5.2 billion industry has arisen, according to The Wall Street Journal (01/17/18), to meet the demand for data on background checks of future mates. Individuals who’ve met suitors online are hiring detectives to find out if their potential spouse has a prison record, bad debts or other unsavory secrets. After a romantic weekend, one woman hired a detective and found out her lover had a wife and kids he still lived with halfway across the country. Another surprised female found out her boyfriend had kids to whom he was paying child support, a fact never disclosed during dating. Such premarital investigation seem like a good idea to avoid signing on for something never revealed before the “I dos.”

But what if one’s husband or wife-to-be has demons? How would that be uncovered? I have personally ministered to many couples considering marriage who came to me wondering if one of them had demons. I served as a sort of “demon detective” to uncover hidden spiritual issues that could later ruin the marriage. Frankly, it’s a good idea. It’s a kind of spiritual pre-nuptial. Better to know now if your wedded bliss has the possibility of turning into a demonic nightmare.

I first take the couple through a thorough program I’ve developed called SEVEN STEPS TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE. (This program is also available to rescue currently troubled marriages.) After the rigorous examination of what it will take to have a solid Christian marriage, I then do deliverance, if necessary. It often is. It’s wise to go through demon detection before the knot is tired then to try to fix a bad marriage later that has been marred by demonic behavior. To do the demon detection work there are no hidden camera, no cars parked in front of houses to see who comes and goes, no internet checks into criminal records. Just lots of prayer incisive questions, and spiritual discernment. And confrontation with evil spirits if they are present. If you, or someone you know, is contemplating marriage with someone they haven’t know for a very long time, I suggest you get them to contact our ministry. If you suspect that your own marriage is being demonically sabotaged, call us quickly. A little bit of spiritual demon detective work on your behalf can save you a whole lot of emotional pain and marital misery. 

An encouraging word:  SUFFERING FOR CHRIST

Paul admonished the Philippians to remember that they were not only to believe in Christ but also be willing to “suffer for His sake” (v. 1:29). That is a difficult pill to swallow in today’s comfy, Christian culture. In many evangelical circles the emphasis is on accommodating one’s beliefs and lifestyle to a walk of ease, unlimited prosperity, and personal pain in absentia. It’s an enticing invitation to Christ, but it’s not biblical. Christians can expect many, many blessings, some material and others spiritual. But a confession of faith in Christ doesn’t always ensure freedom from all life’s vagaries. We should serve Him because of who He is, not because of the good things we expect from Him.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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