
Demonic Legal Rights

Those of us extensively involved in deliverance and exorcism may become so absorbed in the more sophisticated aspects of spiritual warfare that we forget something important. Other Christians who are new to this area of ministry may not be aware of the basics regarding confronting the demonic. There are three basic truths that are sorely misunderstood by the general community of believers:
  • Christians may be spiritually oppressed and can be demonized.
  • Not all generational curses are removed by salvation and baptism.
  • Satan can and will attack Christians if he has the legal right to do so.
Our books, and especially our International School of Exorcism, deal with these three issues. My purpose for this blog is to focus briefly with the third one: legal rights. The concept that evil spirits will operate where they have authority to do so, regardless of the faith position of their victim, is little understood and almost never taught in most churches. Consequently, many Christians suffer needlessly from spiritual attacks that could have been avoided. These assaults are emotional, physical, and spiritual, and often all three.
The entire universe is bound by spiritual laws. For example, what a person morally sows, that he will reap (Galatians 6;7). Confess Christ as Lord and you will be saved (Romans 10:9). The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Obedience to God brings blessings and disobedience brings curses (Deuteronomy 28). In the same manner legal rights are both a protection (if the Word of God is adhered to) and an opening (if spiritual rebellion is present with an individual).
Among the ways that Satan gains legal rights to operate in the life of a Christian are: grievous generational sin, personal moral failure, covenant rights granted by ancestors, abandonment by a parent who neglects the responsibility to spiritually protect a child, covenant bloodline rights (such as a family member practicing witchcraft), trauma resulting from egregious abuse, ungodly soul-bonds with unbelievers or morally corrupted individuals, to name a few.
If you are a Christian and feel spiritually attacked, don’t dismay. Don’t believe preachers who say that you aren’t really saved or that you must be deliberately harboring evil or the devil would stay away. Your freedom may be a simple matter of correctly canceling legal rights. Stop living in false guilt, condemnation, and torment. Reach out today! Schedule a Personal Spiritual Encounter. Enroll in our School of Exorcism. Let us refer you to one of our trained ministry teams. Cancelling that legal right is a prayer away, if you know what to do and how to do it. As I’ve often said, to engage in spiritual warfare, you must think like a judge and act like a lawyer. Know YOUR legal rights to fight back against the devil.

An encouraging word: GOD WILL ANSWER PRAYER

I’m afraid that too many people pray out of obligation or to have a general sense of well-being. Do they really believe God hears and answers? King David did. He wrote in Psalm 17:6, “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me” (NIV). No if, ands, or buts. God WILL answer. Isn’t that the purpose of prayer, the expectation of an answer? Otherwise, prayer is a platitude, a social grace, like asking, “How are you?” So, don’t tell someone, “I’ll pray for you,” unless you mean it and you do it!

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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