
Demons & Adam’s Apple


We live in the End Times, and we’re now experiencing the most widespread persecution of Christians since saints were fed to the lions in the colosseum. This attack on faith has many faces. Some are overt, such as communism in North Korea and Islamic State in the Middle East. What’s less obvious, and more concerning, is the subtle assault on faith in western nations.

Recently, a church in America had a statue of Jesus decapitated. A well-known protest leader has called for all images of Jesus to be torn down. In Florida, a man plowed his car into a Catholic Church during Mass preparation. He poured gasoline in the foyer and set the building on fire. In California, a statewide order has forbidden any churches to be open, blaming COVID-19 for the decision. Public prayer in the house of God has been outlawed. Of course, for the public good. See the pattern?

And now this. A prominent physician in Australia, Dr. Kristin Small, has made news by calling for renaming body parts and diseases. The female physician calls her mission an effort to “decolonize” the language of medicine by getting rid of 700 medical terms, most named after male doctors. And guess which body part draws the most ire? The Adam’s apple. Because – and you can’t make this up – it was named after the biblical Adam. To be accurate, we don’t know that the fruit which Adam and Eve ate was an apple. That is myth. But it was an act of disobedience, sin against the Lord’s commands.

This creeping exclusion of Christianity from any place in modern life is designed to marginalize all Christian influences. Expelling God from every aspect of life, leaves room for demons to fill that void. Getting rid of Adam’s apple by calling it misogynistic is one more way of eradicating any reminder of humanity’s connection to a creator God. Demons want a world in which the only god will be the Antichrist, and we’re moving quickly in that direction.

An Encouraging Word


“Why do the heathen rage?” That’s the question of Psalm 2:1. Today’s atheists are more aggressive than ever. Unbelievers like Ron Reagan Jr. have spewed vicious bile against the Almighty. Only occasionally do religion haters attack Mohammed, Buddha, or Krishna. It is Jehovah they hate. This rage has been with us since Cain slew Abel. But all the anger of the ungodly has failed to hinder the purposes of the Lord. Rage though they will, the Omnipotent One still reigns in the hearts of those who turn to him.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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