Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV
This is a very misunderstood scripture. Here is what we clearly know from these words of Paul:
· This message came by the Holy Spirit, not human conjecture.
· This condition is a signal sign of the Rapture and the end of the world.
This great deception that occurs just before the return of Christ will be made possible because many Christians will base their faith on experience and feelings, not sound doctrine. Paul isn’t saying the latter days will be a time of NO doctrine. There will be doctrine, but it will be BAD doctrine.
Based on my experience as an exorcist, I will tell you the demons that will energize these deceptions. My message “Demons that Deny the Rapture” also posted on our YouTube Exorcism channel list 5 major demons associated with end times lies that some in the church will believe. I’ll mention two prominent ones here:
- JEZEBEL—We already know from Revelation chapter 2 that this spirit in the church promotes occult practices and sexual immorality. I’m speaking of churches which embrace sexual perversion and encourage new age practices such as yoga, enneagrams, energy healing and such.
- LEVIATHAN AND KUNDALINI—These are the serpent spirits of spiritual pride and false spirituality, thinking that demonic manifestations are spiritual experiences. Churches which don’t believe in deliverance and say that Christians can’t have demons are especially susceptible to this deception.
One thing which the devil, Lucifer, doesn’t want us to believe, is that Christians will be “caught up,” taken away by the suddenness of His coming. Satan wants to take Matthew 24:44 and change “in such as hour as ye think not” into “it ain’t gonna happen anyway.” But the voice of the archangel and the trump of God will silence that argument once and for all. Be ready. Don’t miss it.