
Demons are Dumb


Demons are dumb. That may sound like a strange thing to say because evil spirits seen to be clever, deceptive, and beguiling. They are, but they are also dumb. They remind me of those accounts of stupid criminals. Like the 19-year-old woman who committed a robbery, stole a car, and then posted her deed on YouTube. Dumb. Or the man who walked into a bank and handed a note to the clerk demanding money. The only problem was that he signed his name to the note and was easily caught later. Dumb. Then there was a man who was arrested for a petty crime, booked, and released. He stepped outside and stole an ambulance. When he arrived home, the police were waiting for him. Dumb.

Now let me list three dumb things that demons do. Here’s #1. You are the brightest angel in heaven. You are covered with precious stones and make music before the throne of God. You are an anointed angel on the mountain of God. But then, you do something dumb. You think that you, the created, are greater than the Creator, God, and you determine to one-up Him and take over. Ezekiel chapter 28 and Isaiah chapter 14 describe this scenario. The dumb one was the devil, and he took one-third of Heaven’s angels with him in this rebellion, according to Revelation 12:4. Dumb and dumber multiplied by billions of insurrectionist angels. Yes, demons are dumb.

Dumb demon thing #2. Once these demons, fallen angels, were cast to earth they became even dumber. They watched as Christ cast out demons and gave that authority to all who follow him, including the command of Luke 10: 19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” If you know that someone had the power to destroy you and send you to the fiery pit of hell, wouldn’t you avoid them any way possible? But as an exorcist I have learned that not all demons want to hide. You’ve seen them on my YouTube exorcism channel, lunging at me, screaming, thrashing about violently when all I do is look at them or hold up my cross. Why don’t they stay cool and keep quiet? They are proud, and pride makes one dumb. It’s proud people who cheat, steal, cut corners. Some, like Jeffrey Epstein, get by with it for years but eventually they make a dumb mistake and are caught. As many times as demons have seen me cast out their kind by the thousands, there is always one more demon who thinks he can best the man of God. But what’s really dumb is that they forget who they are fighting, Jesus inside me.

The #3 dumb thing that demons do is persist in evil when they know the outcome. James 2:19 tells us that demons believe in God and tremble. They know they are defeated. But they fight on. Revelation chapter 20:10 tells of the devil being cast into hell, the lake of fire, to be tormented for ever and ever. You’d think that would make a demon think twice about soldiering on with their mission of evil and seek some redemption, but no. No living person has cast out more demons than me, and I’ve never had a demon genuinely offer to repent of evil. Since their expulsion from Heaven, evil spirits are incapable of change. Their eternal state has been fixed. They have been dumbed down so that they march onward to eternal punishment without regret.

I recognize that demons have supernatural intelligence. Most are smarter than the smartest human, but they are not wise. They are dumb. They substitute spiritual intelligence, true wisdom, for wiliness, deception, and prevarication. Just because they are dumb doesn’t mean they can’t trick you. But know this, that you have something which dumb demons can never have, supernatural wisdom from God as promised in James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (NKJV). That promise in the Word can never be claimed by a dumb demon.

An Encouraging Word


When should we be grateful to the Lord? When we are blessed? When all is well? When our bank account is full, and our relationships are strong? Psalm 7:17 has the answer: “I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness.” That unconditional statement sets the standard for our worship. Don’t let your problems, your worries, your stress, your trials define whether you will thank God. Your praise of Him should be according to who He is, not how you feel.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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