
Demons Enter by Sun Gazing


You may not be aware of my topic, “Sun Gazing,” but it’s a huge fad among many New Agers and spiritually disaffected youth. Let me warn you up front. It’s dangerous both physically and spiritually. I have ministered to many people who’ve tried it. Some experienced eye damage. Others escaped severe retinal problems, but their sun gazing got them something even worse — demons! Let’s start by explaining what this new fascination with staring directly at the sun, open-eyed, can do to your vision. Let me make it plain, no matter what some wacko New Ager tells you, there is no such thing as physically safe sun gazing!

Staring at the sun can cause damage to the retina, leading to a condition called solar retinopathy. This damage is often irreversible and can result in permanent vision impairment or blindness. The sun emits ultraviolet radiation that can damage the cornea and lens of the eyes. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can increase the risk of cataracts and other eye disorders. Ironically, many New Agers claim health benefits from sun gazing, including increased energy, spiritual well-being, and – get this — improved eyesight! Sun gazing can be painful physically, but it is even more dangerous spiritually.

Sun gazing is an ancient religious practice of worshipping the sun as a god. Some Native American tribes indulged in it. So did the Meso-American Aztecs. Hindus still do it. In fact, one of the most basic positions of yoga is called the “sun salutation.” It’s a practice taught by most every yoga teacher. It’s actually a series of 12 positions known as Sur Namaskar. All classic books about yoga encourage this position for spiritual purposes. I have been to India many times and watched Hindus practice morning sun worship. I’ve seen Hindus by the thousands stand on banks of the Ganges River, which devout Hindus believe is a god they call Mother Ganges. They stare directly at the rising sun and hold a vial of Ganges water while bowing repeatedly. They believe this glowing orb, rising in the eastern sky, is a god. Make no mistake. You can’t westernize what is a demonic ritual. If you’ve done the yoga sun salutation pose, you may have gotten a demon from it.

Perhaps most serious, is the fact that sun-gazing goes back to the ancient Egyptians who believed they were worshiping the sun-god Ra, the source of life. I have cast demons out of Hindu sun worshippers, namely the demon Surya. I have cast even more demons out of westerners who have stared at the sun and gotten the Egyptian demon Ra, even when they weren’t asking for this evil spirit. One man declared he had sun-gazed for years without any eye damage, and I verified this. Satan had supernaturally protected him. When I had him renounce staring at the sun, he immediately manifested the demon Ra. This demon was so powerful that the earth shook under our feet as I was casting it out!

In our age of departure from Christian faith, sun gazing is just one more of a thousand ways that people are being deceived. Don’t do sun gazing. Keep your eyes on Jesus, as John 1:14 says, “We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.” Take your eyes off the sun – S-U-N — and look at the true Son — S-O-N – the Son of righteousness, Jesus Christ!

An Encouraging Word


We should all be grateful for the Bible. But what about those who had no scriptures available while the 66 books were being compiled for more than 1,500 years? And what of those who didn’t speak Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek and had to wait for St. Jerome and others to start the process and Guttenberg to make it available to the masses? Psalm 19:3 in the Living Bible makes the obtuse more understandable. Of the glories of creation the psalmist says, “Without a word or sound their (the heavens) message reaches out to the whole world.” God has spoken through creation to every living soul so that none may be excused from comprehending His might and power.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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